Reports from Cold Fusion Colloquium in Eindhoven.

Many thanks to ECW readers Fusionrudy and Zeddicus Zul Zorander for their reports of the lecture on cold fusion given by French physicist Jean-Paul Biberain at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in the Netherlands on January 21st.

Fusionrudy’s report

Prof. Jean Paul Biberian gave a lecture „Cold Fusion 2013, a review of scientific progress“ at the El. Eng. Dep. of the Technical University Eindhoven in The Netherlands on 21 Jan. 2013. I estimate that ca. 40-50 people attended, among them a member of the Dutch Parliament Ms. A.W. Lucas (VVD). Most people were young men with a sprinkling of some 5 greyheads. I asked the audience if any people of the (Hot) Fusion Dep. were present: no reaction, hence they were not there or they did not dare to show hands.

Biberian made it a rather casual talk with lots of humor and personal anecdotes.

First he gave a short explanation of the basics of hot and cold fusion for the uninitiated. “Approach the atom in its safe by using the key rather than smashing the safe with a bomb”.

Then he described a number of famous experiments from all over the world with experiment photos, diagrams and graphic results,

Thirdly he spoke about highlights of his own 25 year research on CF.

At the end, during the Q&A period he refused to say anything on the commercial efforts (Rossi, Defkalion etc.). “….I like Watts, not kW or MW…”

To me, a regular reader of ECN, this was new info: Transmutations in rather large quantities had been measured early in the last century when chicken produced much more calcium in their eggs than was present in their food. Now I found this ref. on this topic:

I made a video of practically the whole conference but the soundtrack is very faint because Biberian did not use a micro and talked subdued many times. I think it is not worthwhile to upload the video without adequate sound.

Zeddicus Zul Zorander’s Report

Here’s my report on the CF the colloquium at the university of Eindhoven in The Netherlands. Everything IMHO of course.

I found the colloquium quite strange. It was attempting to give an overview of the history and the current state of LENR/CF, but it sort of ended up being a little bit of history, too much sheets attempting to show excess energy and too little background about the current theories or possible future developments. Not much was said about the problems involved getting LENR to market either such as patents and possible problems with upscaling the power.

The professor didn’t seem too knowledgeable about the field as a whole since he didn’t know some of the questions asked and went on way too much about his own experiments in too much detail.
He did however mention one interesting fact: It is possible for a CF reaction to run away and cause an explosion. To his knowledge this happened at least 6 times, possibly more at respected institutions such as Mitsubishi and Toyota, but also by McKubre at SRI. Some have tried to replicate the explosions, but to no success.

So for me not much new and I imagine, for people not knowing much about CF/LENR quite confusing.

The talks in the foyer however where much better as questions were asked about the problems of getting CF research in universities (apparently research money is hard to get and in the case of the university of Eindhoven, the people having a final say in the money are also involved in hot fusion), about CF theories and also some talk about the MFMP project. I met this guy called Joris van der Schot who was the co-organizer of the talk en who was also involved with the MFMP project (he registered for example and knew all the guys at the project) and was planning to start a research company into the CF effects. He will probably be reading this site also.

The general impression seemed that world is poised for a LENR breakthrough, but nobody can say for sure when it happens.

Also it was interesting to note that there were no people from the hot fusion faculty present.

Would like to hear what others who attended the talk thought of it.

Here’s a link to the University’s own news site about the colloquium.
And a link to Andre Blum’s english translation of the article (thanks Andre!)