Report from Mitchell Swartz on IEEE Meeting at Teradyne, NANOR

I made an inquiry to Mitchell Swartz of Jet Energy regarding the status of the NANOR device, a LENR technology that he has been working on over the years. This is his response, posted her with his permission:

“Very busy, including testing NANOR-type CF/LANR components at two sites, and working on the newest Series 8 components.
The successful use of these technologies continues to involve electrical engineering, material science, and  continuum electromechanics.

“Last night went to Teradyne to hear the IEEE Reliability talks by Peter Hagelstein and Louis DeChiaro.

“They discussed background, history, problems with the technologies, role of D and He4, and development of CF/LANR worldwide.  About 70 people there, very attentive, knowledgeable and interested. Peter and Lou did a great effort and service to this community.”