Anisotropic Magnets Produce the LENR Reaction (Axil Axil)

The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil

The posit of this post is that anisotropic magnets produce the LENR reaction because the unbalanced field lines being a monopole field produces magnetic field lines that tend to be twisted thus producing excitation in the nucleons via CP symmetry breaking. Having been excited, the proton and neutron will decay under the influence of the weak force.

These monopole field lines allow the magnetic field lines to be twisted thus producing excitation in the nucleons. Magnetic dipole fields do not make twisting field lines easy. Dipole magnetic field lines are continuous and unbroken, forming closed loops. Magnetic field lines are defined to begin on the north pole of a magnet and terminate on the south pole. Dipole magnetic field lines don’t have any open ends to twist but monopole flux lines can twist and rotate.

As a set up for this post here is info About Neodymium Magnets(NIB)

Overview of the operating properties of Neodymium magnets.

Neodymium magnets (also known as rare earth, Neo, NIB or NdFeB magnets) were invented in 1982 and are the strongest type of magnets.

There are two basic ways that NIB magnets are made: sintered and bonded.

Sintered NIB magnets have the highest strength but are limited to relatively simple geometries and can be brittle. They are made by pressure forming the raw materials into blocks, which then go through a complex heating process. The block is then cut to shape and coated to prevent corrosion. Sintered magnets are typically anisotropic, which means they have a preference for the direction of their magnetic field. Rare earths align the spin of the magnetic metal in a preferred direction or “grain” Magnetizing a magnet against the “grain” will reduce the strength of the magnet by up to 50%. So commercially available magnets are always magnetized in the preferred direction of magnetization.

Bonded NIB magnets are typically about half as strong as sintered magnets but are less expensive and can be made into almost any size and shape. Raw materials are mixed with epoxy as a binder, pressed into a die cavity and heat cured. Bonded magnets are isotropic, which means they don’t have a “grain” or a natural preference for the direction of their magnetic field.

For example, Dennis Cravens Golden balls

“To assure a strong magnetic field in the active material the spheres contain a ground samarium cobalt (Sm2Co7) magnet, which stays magnetized at higher temperatures. This was powdered and the powder is mostly random but it should provide a strong magnetic field within the sample. “The Sm2Co7 magnet produces the required anisotropic magnetic field lines(monopole like magnetic field).

Deuterium is used as the gas envelope

Here is a visualization that demonstrates that rare earth magnets produce vortex twisting of their magnetic field lines whereas dipole magnets do not produce magnetic vortex spinning field lines.