In a world where automobiles are dominated by the internal combustion engine (with electric motors making a spirited appearance lately), it’s quite unusual think about going back to the steam age for transportation, but that’s apparently something that Andrea Rossi has been considering. There has been a lot of talk about using steam to produce electricity (standard generating procedure), but using steam for mechanical power is another possible use for E-Cat technology.
Recently Bill Nichols, an atmospheric physicist asked Rossi about this topic:
Encouraged to hear your looking further into the potential of integrating the E Cat into steam powered vehicles.
As I understand, as one of the first to ask you about this potential application, keep in mind if your getting steam at 400+C…the thermodynamic properties of water should allow for integration to use in steam powered engines. Your invention appears to have solved the hard part.
The efficiency and simplicity of steam engines have come a long way…plus the water could be recycled. Then, further enhancements by those who specialize in this area could make. The durability, efficiency and performance potential of this type of set up should be pursued. As your an engineer, you can appreciate this.
My 2 questions…
1.) Have you, or contacts been looking into and are in contact with key folks with these skills and backgrounds in this area?
2.) If so, do you agree this has high potential in transportation?
Finally, keep in mind the role of steam power has made in the past and still does today. It is an efficient and effective fit (Rankine cycle) in the natural world.
Many Thanks for your efforts.
Rossi’s reply:
Dear Bill Nichols:
1- Yes
2- Yes
Please contact me in November for two reasons:
i- help me in this field
ii- visit our plant
So Rossi sees the potential for using the E-Cat for transportation — he has previously explicitly mentioned trains and ships — but perhaps he is thinking of automobiles too. There are obviously engineering challenges to make safe and efficient vehicles that could be comparable to IC or electric engines, but it would be interesting to see if there were possibilities in this field. There are many steam enthusiasts around the world, e.g. recently a British team broke the world speed record for a steam powered car (which had an average speed of 139.843mph for a mile, and 148.308 mph during two consecutive runs over a measured kilometer) That’s faster than most people have ever traveled in a car.
Maybe a fun challenge for Rossi’s team sometime would be to see if and E-Cat powered steam car could do any better!