Forbes columnist Mark Gibbs has been one of the few members of the mainstream press who has paid much attention to things going on in the world of cold fusion/LENR, and up until now he has been quite cautious in his assessment of the state of play in the field.
He has now written an rather optimistic article regarding the recent publication of preliminary test reports that Defkalion Green Technologies released. The title of his article is “Cold Fusion Gets a Little More Real”. As part of his research into these reports, he wanted to find out who it was that went to Greece to do the testing, since all names listed in the published documents were blacked out. As many people had already surmised, Gibbs confirmed by contacting him, that Michael A Nelson, a NASA employee, was one of the people who went to Greece to observe testing, and who wrote the executive summary of the report.
The information from the report that Gibbs found most impressive was that Nelson affirmed that DGT was able to: demonstrate an excess of energy; fully control the reaction; show that the reaction produced more energy than was possible from a chemical reaction; that the reactor was operating at a COP well in excess of 3.
Nelson told Gibbs that he did not visit DGT in his capacity as NASA employee, but that he attended on behalf of an organization called the Free Energy Foundation which paid his travel expenses.
Gibbs concludes his article by saying:
Even so, the Defkalion tests were, as far as any cold fusion experiment performed to date has gone, the best so far and they were witnessed by someone who is, for want of a better description, a serious scientist.
So, it appears that cold fusion, in the sense that the phenomena is a real and viable basis for energy generation, looks like a much better bet than it did a week ago. Now it’s up to the other players in the nascent cold fusion market – particularly Rossi’s Leonardo Corporation – to show more clearly what they’ve got.
My hat is off to Defkalion and Mr. Nelson for giving all of us who sincerely want to see cold fusion become a reality a little more hope.
I would add here that we have had reports from others cold fusion researchers, including Leonardo Corp. who published the third party July 16 report on hot cat testing, that indicate the reality of the cold fusion phenomenon. But it is good that Mark Gibbs has continued to follow developments in the field, and bring this latest DGT report to the attention of Forbes’ readership (which is much larger than that of E-Cat World!)