I wish all E-Cat World readers in the United States a happy Thanksgiving holiday! As a transplanted Briton, I find this holiday to be a pleasant and relaxing one. There are no gifts exchanged, just a time for good company, rest, and a nice meal. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all those who contribute to make the E-Cat World site informative, stimulating, exciting and fun.
We’re well into our second year here, and I have to say that although technologically speaking, things may not have moved along as fast as some of us might have hoped, following this story has been a very educational experience for me — and I mean that in a positive sense. I’m really glad for the many readers who share of their expertise in various fields. I don’t believe there is any book published that could match the information freely shared here about the topics related to cold fusion/LENR — and I believe we are still in the very early stages of this discovery.
I’m glad to have been around to see this story unfold, and I appreciate the good company that has been observing with me. I apologize to people who have been frustrated with the sometimes not very efficient auto-moderation on this site. I try to keep on top of things, but I know there are times when I’m not as fast at approving comments as people might like. I’ll try to find ways to make things less onerous, but some level of moderation needs to be in place.
Andrea Rossi said today on his JONP site that the third party testing has been completed, and, “the results have been better that in the July 16th preliminary test”. That’s good news indeed — we now wait for the publication of the report which might yet take some time to be written, reviewed, translated and published. But if the reviewers are qualified, and the results of the testing confirm the data presented in the October Pordenone hot cat report, it will have been worth the wait.