A reader of the Journal of Nuclear Physics recently asked Andrea Rossi about some of his favorite science and mathematics books, and Rossi has been happy to give his responses. I thought it might be useful to some to list them here — perhaps serious students might want to get hold of some of these books books to maybe get an idea of some of the places Rossi goes for information and ideas.
Nuclear Models – Prof Walter Greiner, Prof. Joachim A. Maruhn, Berlin 2008 (“Not the one I prefer, but the one that has been more useful to me . . . warning: is not easy, it’s studying, not reading.”)
Summary Of Mathematics — Sergio Focardi, Milan, 1997 (“a real jewel . . . short but complete and intense”)
The interpretation of quantum mechanics- Roland Omnes, Princeton 1994
QED and the Men who Made it – Silvan S. Schweber, Princeton 1994
The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World – Prof. Sean Carroll, New York 2012 (favorite science or engineering book)
Models Of the Atomic Nucleus: Unification Through a Lattice of Nucleons: – Prof. Norman D. Cook- Berlin 2006 (favorite nuclear physics book)
Physics Today (favorite scientific journal)
Of course the books listed do not provide readers the secrets of the E-Cat, but it’s always interesting to know what kinds of materials influential and successful people are reading. Maybe Rossi could start his own book club!