For over two years now the big question that has been discussed here on E-Cat World, day in and day out, is whether the E-Cat technology is really creating significant excess energy. In my estimation, the publication of the 3rd party report today has helped to answer that question for many — but there is a long way to go before there is general acceptance of the reality of LENR as a viable and superior source of energy. There is more evidence needed to convince many, and I am sure there are still plenty of people taking a wait-and-see attitude pending more information.
I have always thought that the publication of a decent 3rd party report would be a watershed moment in this story and would move us into a new phase of this fascinating saga — and I think that has happened. I have noticed that just from the amount of traffic I have seen on this site of the last couple of days that there is much more attention than normal. Hits on ECW have about doubled since the publication of the report, and seems to be holding quite steady — indicating a new level of interest in the technology.
My goal in starting E-Cat World in April 2011 was to bring attention to LENR in general, and especially the E-Cat, which I believed to be a very important discovery. I am of the opinion that Andrea Rossi has made a great breakthrough in the development of his invention, and that it is something that could provide real solution to some of the pressing energy problems the world faces.
My feeling now is that with the publication of this report there needs to be more awareness about LENR and it’s potential for benefiting the world. I would like to see this and other websites which cover LENR play a part in helping to spread awareness, especially when there seems to be little attention being paid by more influential mainstream sites.
There are many people from all over the world who are feeling energized and positive about this technology and who want to do something to move the cause along. One of the greatest assets of E-Cat World is its readership, many of whom I have found to be intelligent and capable people who believe in the potential of LENR and want to see it put to good use. I’d like to see if we might be able to engage in some efforts together to share the news about important things in the field, such as the report that has just been published.
So what can people who are supporters of LENR do? What resources do you think we can provide the public at large about the E-Cat and LENR? What are effective ways to spread news and information? I have some ideas which I will be discussing as time goes on, but I’d like to get the views of readers here. Perhaps we can organize somehow to do some useful work together. Any thoughts on the matter? Also, feel free to contact me privately too at [email protected] if you have any thoughts you’d like to share.