The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project team is reporting results of an interesting experiment comparing the ability of two cells — one active (using wire provided by Francesco Celani), and one passive (using NiChrome wire) — to keep water at a constant temperature. The idea is that excess heat from an LENR reaction in the active would require less input power to maintain that temperature than in the passive cell. A chart of preliminary findings is displayed below
The indications from this test show that it is taking less power for the Cell 2 to mantain the target temperature. The blog post states, “the first test run of the Steel and Glass cell suggested that it took approximately 6% more power to maintain the same volume of water at the same temperature in the control cell when compared to the active cell.”
The team is quick to point out that there needs to be more work done to be sure that these are valid results and state that in future tests they will be using different wires, running the test for a longer period, sealing the water containers so top-ups are not needed, and some other changes.
Here’s a short video showing how this test was set up:
UPDATE: Here’s a second chart showing data from later on in the the same experiment. This one covers four days — from the 21st to the 24th of May.