I received the following from Dennis Cravens who informed me that he will be presenting this demo at the upcoming NIWeek which starts on August 5th in Austin Texas. For anyone who will be there Dennis will be presenting at booth 992.
I will be presenting the simplest demo I could come up with at NIWeek. It is not intended to prove anything , just to something to make “Joe Six pack” take notice and give him something to about. There will be no input, no flows to measure, no HV to scramble the instruments, no calculations to explain . . . just one brass sphere warmer than the other, and the bath temperature.
I know full well I will get a lot of people that will want added bells and whistles but I hope the target audience (the average engineer type walking by with their family) can understand the system within in 30 seconds at the booth. One sphere is hotter than the other so it must have a power source of some kind inside- what is it? Come back on Thursday and see inside.
It is just two brass spheres in a constant temperature bath (80C Lab Armor aluminum bead bath). One is a sample and one is the control. The sample just stays warmer than the control (for the full 5 days of the expo). Temperatures will be monitored and displayed via a Lab View interface (after all, this is NI) during the expo.
I hope to cut open the sample on the last day to show there are no hidden items.
The booth is under the name of Neo-Coulombic – a 5D extension of the standard Coulomb potential developed from consideration of thermodynamics. It’s obscure to say the least but I had to have some name to give NI for the booth.