It’s the weekend, and for a bit of a change I thought it might be interesting and fun to ask ECW readers about some of the haunts they like to frequent online. There are millions of sites out there, many good ones that we never hear about.
I find ECW readers to be some of the most interesting folks out there and I am sure you all have favorite places you go online to learn about the things you are interested in. Some might even be more educational than E-Cat World!
For me, outside of checking the usual LENR sites, I’m a big news consumer, and sites that I find useful for finding out about interesting things going on in the world are Google News (I have a number of custom news categories built in to my interface), Slashdot (I get the resource newsletter in my inbox which is a handy way to catch up), and to keep up with world and UK news I often check the BBC news site.
So please let us know of some sites you think others here find useful and interesting and tell us why we should pay a visit.