A number of people have contacted me today about a web page on ecat.com that lists the 1 MW low temperature E-Cat plant for sale (http://ecat.com/ecat-products/ecat-1-mw). This page has been picked up by the Next Big Future, and Extreme Tech web sites today, but in actuality this page in not new. If you use the WayBack Machine at the Internet Archive you will see that this page has been on the ecat.com web site for over a year now. If you check this link — http://web.archive.org/web/20120218214118/http://ecat.com/ecat-products/ecat-1-mw — you will see that the page has been around in various versions of the site going back to early 2012.
I’m not sure why these web sites have decided to run with the story today, but I thought it was important to give some perspective about it. As far as I know, no one yet outside Rossi’s inner circle has been able to purchase one of these plants. Rossi has said that only two of them have been sold — one to the current customer which was shipped to the US, one to the early military customer.