After following up on a post here last night from reader deleo77 , and public information on the internet suggests that investment company Cherokee, of Raleigh, North Carolina could be Andrea Rossi’s American partner.
The connection can be made through Fulvio Fabiani, whose title on his LinkedIn page is ‘Tech Director & R.D. at Leonardo Corporation MIAMI – FL – USA’. Mr. Fabiani also lists a company called Industrial Heat LLC as a company he works for on Linkedin. ( [UPDATE] Mr. Fabiani has now taken the reference to Industrial Heat LLC from his LinkedIn profile.

Information about Industrial heat LLC is found on the web site ‘Who Got Funded‘ shows the company raising $11,555,050 on August 23, 2013, and lists Thomas Darden as Director, Executive Officer and Promoter, and J Vaughn as Executive Officer and Promoter.
Mr Darden and Mr Vaughn are also named on an SEC Form D (Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities) as related persons at Industrial Heat LLC.
Mr. Darden is Chief Executive Officer at Cherokee, and Mr Vaughn is Cherokee’s senior analyst.
The SEC document mentioned above lists the address of Industrial Heat LLC as 111 East Hargett Street, Suite 300, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 — which is the same address as Cherokee.
Cherokee is not a company I have heard of until now, and at first glance an investment company doesn’t seem to be the most obvious choice as an industrial partner for the E-Cat, but Cherokee has worked in funding environmental projects for a number of years. Cherokee specializes in redevelopment or brownfield sites (sites previously used for industrial purposes which needs to cleaned up and repurposed) and they have through their Cherokee Renewables team focused on providing capital for PV solar installations, primarily on brownfield sites. Here’s a description of Cherokee Renewables’ mission from their web site:
Cherokee and its affiliates bring two decades of organizational experience across multiple private equity funds totaling over $2 billion of equity commitments, more than 100 seed capital investments and three allocations of New Market Tax Credits exceeding $200 million in aggregate. As the world’s only private equity fund with an ISO 14001-certified Environmental Management System, Cherokee has purchased over 540 environmentally impaired sites.”
This is all ‘joining the dots’ at the moment, but there does seem to be a verifiable paper trail here that connects Leonardo Corp. with Cherokee. I will be looking for more confirmation of this.