Many thanks to Mr. Moho who posted this very useful comment in an earlier thread about the MIT Cold Fusion Seminar. I thought it deserved our attention, so I have made it a separate post.
All lectures from the Cold Fusion 101 Class at MIT have been posted on Youtube channel.
I would suggest everybody to watch at least the video segments featuring Mitchell Swartz as they are easy to follow and focus on the experimental side (NANOR) which most people here might be probably interested in.
January 27: (MS at 2:01:29)
January 28: (MS at 2:06:10)
January 29: (MS at 2:02:40)
January 30: (MS at 2:03:30)
January 31: (MS at 2:14:50)
I learned that the latest NANOR devices are nickel-based and use no expensive palladium. However, they are preloaded with deuterium, not hydrogen (heavy water, which contains deuterium, is worth several thousands dollar per liter). At low input (a few dozen milliwatts) these NANORs show an energy gain of about 27x, but they can be driven at a higher input power (1 watt) at which the gain drops to about 3x. They have a bell-shaped gain curve, of which he calls the peak “optimal operating point” (OOP). My observation is that since the gain is higher at low input, if we wanted the same gain with a higher output power there would have to be more active material / bigger NANOR devices. The ones shown only weight about 50 milligrams.
Swartz is currently working on the version “8” of these devices, focusing on scaling them up using different materials. Apparently he is having very good results and very high gain, which he won’t disclose yet. Regarding how they’re made, there’s much information he can’t talk about yet due to the patent status (rejected because “cold fusion”). He hopes to be able to during the next Cold Fusion 101 class next year (so, 2015).
I must be honest here: after watching these videos my confidence in these NANOR devices increased ten-fold. If he’s going to give them to other researchers/labs for testing (his IP is in the active material preparation – apparently a very lengthy process – not the actual materials used), there’s no way that LENR will not soon become mainstream.
This is possibly bigger than Rossi and the others working on kilowatt-scale excess power.
‘Mr. Moho‘