The following is an update from Alan Smith with regards to the HHO experiment E-Cat World has sponsored
A little update on the HHO experiment. Parcels have started arriving (like a birthday) and I have been re-arranging the workshop in order to make space for the experimental equipment build program.
So far the stainless steel plate and neoprene gasket material for the bubbler, the 1/2 acre of 12mm lexan polycarbonate, thermometers and the parts to build a stirrer have arrived.
Spent a pleasant hour 🙁 cutting the stainless into suitable plates. To stay in budget I bought offcuts of 316 plate- much much cheaper than ready-cut pieces but they do require a little TLC with a file and hacksaw. Images will appear as work gets under way. This job is not slated to start until April – but I must confess that hacksawing is a welcome change from all the bank, tax, and regulatory paperwork I am currently having to do for Leap Forward Labs.
One offer, one request.
I now have some spare free-cutting stainless plate, free to a good HHOme – but I would appreciate payment for the postage. Let me know if you would like them to build an electrolyser- email with your requirements at: [email protected]
REQUEST. Does anybody have a spare piece of catalyser matrix? A piece around as big oas the palm of your habd woyld be perfect. This job is running way over budget now and if you have a piece it would be a great help. Email as above.