German Ex-E-Cat Licensee Speaks [Updated — More Translation]

I am not able to understand the German here unfortunately, but a video of former German E-Cat Licensee Hartmut Dobler, CEO of E-Cat Deutschland GmbH speaking about how he lost his licensee status.

I am relying on a couple of posts here from German speaking ECW readers who have commented here today for my interpretation. (Thanks to both!)

Matt wrote:

“Just found this: At 4:40 is an interview with the former German licensee of the E-Cat. He says he had a two digit number of customers, who were eager to buy an E-Cat before Rossi backed up because Industrial Heat forbade to sell the 1 MW plant. He got a compensation.”

Pelgrim108 wrote:

“… and we had progressed to the point where we, in a power station that was shutdown for revision, wanted to look where the devices could be build in, in the hot steam conduits and sofort.
Rossi was at that time still enthusiastic.
The flight was booked, the hotel was booked, the shuttle was booked.
Everything was prepared for, he just had to make one more telephone call in the USA, and then came the “no go”.
He was blocked from going. It was very clear that he was ordered not to go.
The meeting didnt happen.

UPDATE: Thanks to Gerrit for some more details from Harmut Dobler’s talk:

Gerrit wrote:

4:41 -” We had the opportunity twice to look at the ecat and take measurements. Based on that, we decided to enter the sales and acquisition of companies and customers that where interested. We collected the interested parties and it was important to start with the first ecat.

5:16 Autumn last year there was a dramatic change. Rossi had sold all his pate nts to a party in the USA and was no longer in charge of his decisions and had to align constantly.”

The interview concludes with Doblre saying 6:26: “I assume there is a large national interest behind it” – “how do you mean” – “I don’t want to comment, national interests are multi layered”

The video of Dobler’s talk is below (in German)

Freie Energie – Vor Ort bei den Erfindern (Clip) from Exopolitik Deutschland on Vimeo
