Mats Lewan has posted on his blog that a new edition of An Impossible Invention, his book about Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat, will be published in the near future.
He states:
I’m now working on a second edition of the book with minor updates and corrections. A more detailed examination of the legal saga of Andrea Rossi will be added, as well as an update reflecting the findings about the company Defkalion’s technology, revealed in early 2014.
I’m also waiting for the upcoming third party report on Rossi’s E-Cat, which is expected to be published shortly, in order to include this report and comments on it in the second edition.
Mats also announces that the first edition of his book is now available via Amazon in kindle ebook format (click here to go to the page). I note that the US price is reduced from around $15 to $9.99.
In the blog post Mats also says that as a gesture of appreciation for all who have purchase the first edition of the book, a free download of the second edition will be available once it is available.
I think this is very good news. Once the new report is published there will be much to add to this story, and this book will be a very important means of informing the public about the E-Cat. I hope the book becomes a real bestseller!