A post on the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project’s Facebook page announces that they are going to go for a replication of the E-Cat, and begin in six days. They state:
“Well, the jury is still out on weather the HotCat is real, not surprising giving the earth shattering implications in the report – but rather than dwell on what it all means, the MFMP has been forging ahead with trying to see if it actually is!
“If we do this, it will be a significant departure from our normal way of working, in that for the first time we will not be working with the hands-off blessing and cooperation of the claimant. We would also want to make sure we have enough funds to make it happen – ie have a lot of concurrent iterations at the same time – and that is going to take cash and resources.”
The MFMP has been consulting closely with Bob Higgins, an independent LENR researcher and member of the MFMP team, who has worked up a design which is as close as he can to the reactor used in the Lugano test (based on the data provided in the report) and has come up with a model which he calculates will weigh 8 grams less — and there is some speculation in the post about those missing eight grams.
There will apparently be more information posted soon on the MFMP’s quantumheat.org site with a detailed description of the planned reactor.
The team is looking for comments and ideas from the interested public, and seeking to determine if they will be able to raise the necessary funds for this project. It sounds like an ambitious move, but it’s fascinating to see a serious replication attempt proposed!
Below are the images they have posted of the design.