Report of Lecture on LENR by Tom Wind at SUNY Orange (jdituro)

Thanks very much to jdituro for reporting on this event!

I and my son were able to attend last nights lecture (Oct. 20th, 2014) by Tom Wind EE held at SUNY Orange in Middletown NY. I brought my son (at 12 a young scientist) with me, because I wanted him to become familiar with the technology as it is his generation that will fully reap the benefits of this burgeoning field.

Mr. Wind did a great job providing a overview of the field of “cold fusion” research. He jested that some of the members of the audience were not old enough to remember the 1989 announcement of Cold Fusion. He emphasized the inability, at the time, for fellow researchers to duplicate the results of the original discoverers Pons and Fleishman. This led to their being professionally discredited. CF then was considered fraudulent. He mentioned that since 1989 that over 1700 papers have been published around the world with researchers being able to duplicate the original results.

He discussed in detail the work of Andrea Rossi, he being fortunate enough to attend the first public demonstration of the E-Cat. He said it had such an impact on him that he and a group of fellow colleagues who met at the University of Northern Iowa formed a society to raise public awareness of the work in LENR, the Energy 2.0 Society (

He explained the concept of Coefficient of Power (power in vs. out) and that of energy density. Comparing the 200 M metric tons (240 railroad train cars) of coal per week necessary to fuel the 700 megawatt generation facility where he had once worked, with the 20 lbs of fuel necessary for the LENR E-Cats to generate and equivalent amount of heat to power the turbines. This accomplished without producing any harmful radiation or pollution. The E-Cat fuel can produce 1 million times the amount energy in an equivalent amount of gasoline, yet it is comprised of inexpensive and commonly available components.

He also provided an extensive list of all the groups and firms involved in LENR research and gave some detailed descriptions of the major players and their variations in achieving the LENR effect. I wish him and his colleagues success in their efforts, all of which will help help to advance the greatly needed conversion from our society’s dependence on fossil fuels.