Thanks to AlainCo for posting the following on the LENR Forum.
An article on the Norwegian website Tekna — published by the Technical and Scientific Association serving over 64,000 professional members — reports on the seminar held last November in Oslo to discuss the significance of LENR technology, and how it could affect Norway’s future. Tekna was one of the sponsors of the seminar.
The meeting was first reported by Dr. Michael McKubre in Infinite Energy magazine, and this article adds more details and perspective.
A few excerpts from the article (Google translated):
During the 25 years since 1989, hundreds of peer-reviewed articles about LENR been published in reputable journals – most journals for chemistry. A number of theories are put forward, without any of them has won general acceptance . . . In leading physics environments, also in our country, it is claimed that the steadily LENR for theoretical reasons can not occur, so that allegations of experimental detection and practical utilization therefore must build on instrumentation error, any attempt to financial fraud.
The theoretical controversy has not been the topic of the seminar.
1st Speaker: Professor (em) Hans Haakon Faanes, NTVA, SET/Tekna
If commercial products under development is a success, we will be confronted with an energy revolution – positive for the global environment, but perhaps detrimental to the Norwegian economy. It is very important that the development followed both that the effects on the economy should not come as a surprise and that industrial possibilities realignment means to be exploited.
2nd Speaker: Dr Sten Bergman, Stone Power AB
Overview of possible related natural phenomena. History for applications before Fleischmann and Pons. Patents. Overview of scientific and industrial main players today, with special emphasis on the development of commercial energy sources. Conceivable applications of LENR studied industrial: Heat, electricity production, propulsion of vehicles, ships, aircraft and spacecraft.
3rd Speaker: Dr. Hanno Essén KTH
Report of tests funded by Elforsk and conducted by academics from the University of Uppsala, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the University of Bologna, as well as other independent tests of different designs of hot water generator E-CAT manufactured by the Italian inventor . . . E-CAT generates “excess heat” that have not chemical explanation, while element conversion confirms a nuclear reaction.
4th Speaker: Dr Michael CH MckKubre, SRI International
Fleischmann-Pons Effect Heat (FPHE) shown in over 100 trials at SRI, and over one thousand globally . . . The existence of LENR – Fleischmann-Pons Effect Heat can scientifically not be doubted. Doubters can not be satisfied by the data, but only the process in the market. Companies are well underway.
5th Speaker: Dr. Oystein Norgeng, BI Norwegian Business School
The development of industrial products based on LENR is in an initial phase where significant work remains. This will require time, both for technical completion and approval and acceptance in the market . . . Consequences in Norway of any breakthrough LENR technology: Further declines in oil and gas, further weakened government budget balance, impaired balance of payments, further reduction of offshore activity and supplier industry. Cheap energy will stimulate the world economy and other parts of Norwegian industry, oil fund’s investments will become more profitable. For Norway as a major exporter of energy is vital to keep abreast of LENR.
This seminar and follow-up article give a strong indication that key professionals in Norway are taking LENR very seriously, and are now trying to inform the professional community there of its importance. Norway has seen great economic development and national prosperity because of its naturals oil resources, and it seems now they see that the days of dependence upon oil for their wealth are behind them. For Norway, LENR could have extremely important economic and political implications, and they appear to be waking up and considering how they should adapt to its emergence as a new energy source, one that could in time supersede oil, and others currently in use.