New Experiment by Jack Cole Indicates Possible 16 Percent Excess Heat [UPDATE: Conclusion of No Excess Heat]

Thanks to Sanjeev for finding this.

Jack Cole of the LENR-Cold Fusion website is continuing his experimentation with a relatively low power LENR experimental setup, and a new experiment shows results that seem to demonstrate excess heat from his system.

Jack has done previous experimentation which showed promising results which used lithium hydroxide as the hydrogen source; in this test he added titanium hydride at a suggestion of Jones Beene on vortex-l with the hope of getting more consistent hydrogen production. His reactor fuel was “mostly nickel powder (INCO type 255, 2.2 to 2.5 um), lithium hydroxide (LiOH), iron oxide-red (Fe2O3), titanium hydride (TiH2), and a small amount of lime based ceramic mix”. Calorimetry was done by using a thermocouple system described in the comments to this article.

Here is a chart showing the results of the experimental vs. the calibration run.


Jack is careful not to claim he has proof of excess heat here — he considers that he must reach a COP of 1.5 before he can assume that there is a true indication of excess heat due to LENR. But it’s good to see him continue to experiment and share his results, and I hope he continues his very interesting work.

UPDATE: Jack has provided an update in which he concludes that no excess heat was generated in this system. He writes:

Unfortunately, the re-calibration revealed a higher curve than the first yielding a max excess power of 4.2W. We can probably safely discard this as being excess heat. There have been a number of valid points raised in the comments on things to consider as far as systematic sources of error are concerned. One concern was about the validity of the calibration run. One hypothesis I had was about the calibration run tube possibly being in contact with the insulation at the bottom, whereas the experimental tube was not touching the insulation beneath (suspended by the electrical leads). The thought was that contact with this insulation would allow heat to be conducted downward into the ceramic element and supporting ceramic bricks. The original calibration cell was re-inserted and care was taken to place it as close as possible to the same position as the experimental tube (slightly suspended by the electrical leads above the lower insulation). Of possible interest is that the temperatures of the reaction cell were grossly consistent with each other, whereas the experimental tube was ~60C hotter. Again, this is of uncertain significance and probably not a reliable indication of excess heating. I apologize for raising false hope with this experiment, and appreciate the feedback and help in discovering that it was not excess heating.

No need to apologize, Jack — you have been upfront all the time about the possibility uncertain results. This is all valuable data you are sharing with everyone. Many thanks to you!