Tinkering with the weak and strong force in LENR (Axil Axil)

The following post was submitted by Axil Axil

Tinkering with the weak and strong force in LENR.

One of the most consequential mechanisms of quantum mechanics is the entanglement of the quantum properties among particles. This mysterious effect allows two or more particles to behave as one, no matter how far apart they are.

This phenomenon could be responsible for many significant aspects of our lives such as the forward flow of time, thermodynamics and how everyday objects acquire mass, yourself included, and could finally explain why the fundamental particles of matter have the mass they do. –

Oftentimes, the interaction between two  electrons causes their individual properties, such as spin, to become “entangled”. If you then change the spin of one particle it will instantly affect the spin of the other, regardless of the distance between them.

More than 50 years ago, the first hint of Higgs was inspired by the study of superconductors – a special class of metals that, when cooled to very low temperatures, allow electrons to move without resistance.

About a decade ago,  a theory of entanglement of electrons was offered to explain one of the defining traits of superconductivity: the Meissner effect. This quintessential property of superconductivity will levitate a magnet above a piece of superconducting material. The magnetic field emanating from the magnet induces a current in the surface of the superconductor, and this current effectively excludes the magnetic field from the interior of the superconducting material, causing the magnet to hover in the air.

The key concept that has been explored here is “exclusion of the force carrier”. When entanglement excludes the force carrier, then the nature of the interaction of the particle with the force carrier that participle  is associated with is changed.

Physicists believe that the source of this mass is something called the Higgs field that fills the universe and is mediated by a particle known as the Higgs boson. These bosons are thought to exist in a “condensed” state that excludes the mediator particles such as gluons in the same way that a superconductor’s entangled electrons exclude the photons of a magnetic field.

A Bose Condensate is always associated with a type of boson or in other words “a force Carrier”.  The Higgs field is comprised of Higgs bosons that are entangled and condensed. That Higgs field excludes photons in varying degrees based on the myriad types of particles that is producing those force carriers. This Higgs field interacts with the force carriers of the strong force and the weak force as well as the electromagnetic force. This degree of exclusion defines the mass of the particle.

This exclusion by the Higgs field is what gives the mediator particles an effective mass, and also limits their range of influence. But no one understands how the Higgs field excludes, say, gluons.

Entanglement could be the answer. Entanglement could be how the condensation of the Higgs bosons and exclusion of the mediators requires entanglement between the Higgs bosons. Entanglement may be linked to the mass of not just the mediator particles, but all fundamental particles. Different particles would interact differently with the entangled Higgs bosons, providing different “effective masses” for each particle.

The entanglement of the polariton, a hybrid of light and matter, in the form of a soliton and its projection of entanglement might be another analogous mechanism that excludes the force carriers of both the weak and strong force.
This mechanism of entangled exclusion of force carriers could be the chief mover of how low energy nano reactions work.
The Higgs Mode in Disordered Superconductors
Close to a Quantum Phase Transition
Through the use of 2 dimensional topological superconductors, the Higgs field is detected using a Quantum Phase transition in a condensed matter system.
The study of the properties of disordered superconductors is a subject of ongoing intense activity, mostly because it is viewed as being one of the few physical systems that can be tuned through a two dimensional quantum critical point, which is not mean-field-like. The softening of the Higgs mode is a direct proof that the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is a quantum critical point in which a diverging timescale is detected. Evidently, the vicinity to the Quantum Phase Transition (QPT) offers a unique opportunity to study the nature of the low energy collective excitations in superconductors. Going beyond disordered superconductors, this finding can play a role in tracing collective excitations in other quantum critical condensed matter systems and might influence and inform related fields such as Bose-condensed ultra cold atoms, quantum statistical mechanics and high energy physics.

Cross posted on Ego Out