I received the following in response to an inquiry I sent to Prometeon SRL regarding their current activities
Dear Frank,
Thank you for your interest in our work. Here are the answers to your kind questions.
In 2014, after being for two years the E-Cat® licensee in Italy, a challenging research project has started under the scientific guidance of Prof. Christos Stremmenos (former Professor in Chemistry-Physics at the University of Bologna). He started making experiments on the LENR about 25 years ago and he is probably the first academic who came up with the idea of using hydrogen loaded Nickel nano-powders in a “dry reactor”, instead of the Fleischman & Pons electrolytic cell (he published his experience on # 81 of the magazine “La Chimica e l’Industria“ – Italian Chemical Society – April 1999).
Prof. Stremmenos has involved in this research initiative some of his former colleagues/friends from the University of Bologna and they are developing scientific hypothesis and theoretical models about the way a LENR reaction evolves and could be controlled. Their work is based on the electroweak force and on the application of the quantum electrodynamics. The activities of the scientific team have only pure scientific goals.
The scientific team gives us the main inputs for designing and developing the reactors; a key role in this activities is played by Stremmenos’s son, Nicolaos. The objective of Prometeon is the development of LENR based devices suitable for producing thermal and/or electric energy with no risks for people, no environmental impact and at low cost/MWh.
We have already tested the first reactor and the results are very promising. At the very first test we found some new elements in the ashes undoubtedly resulting from transmutation processes; their atomic numbers are in accordance with Storms’s theories [Edmund Storms – THE EXPLANATION OF LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR REACTION – 2014].
The scientific team has developed new advanced and challenging hypothesis about how to activate the LENR, control the reactions and avoid runaway phenomena that could cause the melting of the device and/or of the reacting cell; we are now realizing two new different reactors to check the theoretical assumptions. LENR related phenomena are very complex and the only way to improve our knowledge is the so called “scientific method”.
Our web site will be soon up again and we will publish any news there. We hope to have soon good news for your readers.
We look forward to meeting you soon at the ICCF19.
Best regards.
Guido Parchi & Aldo Proia