Thanks to Barty for reporting about the following:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a ‘final rejection’ for Andrea Rossi’s application for a patent for his E-Cat.
In September, 2014, patent examiner Sean Burke had issued a ‘non final rejection’, which Rossi had appealed, and sent more information to support his claim, but this new information was apparently not convincing. Rossi had sent to the patent office a copy of the Lugano Report in January 2015, along with this article by Hank Mills, in the hope that it would support his claims, but apparently it was not convincing enough evidence — the examiner considers the E-Cat to be ‘inoperable’
Below is a PDF explaining he final rejection document where examiner Burke explains his reasoning for not granting the patent. All documents pertaining to this application can be accessed by going to < a href="">, and entering the number 12/736,193 in the application number search box (after entering the captcha)
USPTO Final Rejection Rossi Patent
I’m not sure where the US patent application goes from here. The action is listed as being final, but the applicant has the legal right to reply to this decision within three months, and I suppose Rossi’s attorneys might use that right to appeal, but unless new information can be presented, I doubt the examiner will change his decision. For now it seems that Rossi and Industrial Heat will continue their current commercialization strategy without the protection of a US patent.
UPDATE: I received the following statement from Andrea Rossi.
Dear Frank:
About the action of the USPTO related to our patent application 12/736,193:
we have 60 days for our consideration to defend the application. Our action is on course by our patent attorney.
LENR are very difficult to patent, but we will continue to defend the application because we believe it is correct.
In two months we will make all necessary to defend our position in the USPTO.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi