UPDATE #4 (March 27, 2015) Many thanks to Ilya from Russia who send the following to me:
Document russian original:Auto-Translated to english:This is russian text transcriptions of videoWith english translations at images.(and at next week we continue this)This works was done with help of project: http://www.unconv-science.org/
UPDATE #3 (March 27, 2015) Alexander Parkhomov’s report has been uploaded here.Many thanks to Peter Gluck for providing an English translation of the report on Ego Out. I have combined his translation with the slides from the presentation in the document below — rough formatting.)
UPDATE #2 (March 26, 2015) The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has done a good job capturing the slides from the presentation. See this link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bz7lTfqkED9Wfll6bDlfWE5lbnVSRW53RHYxU0hqYkI5VE9kYldJWDdmekF0WnZaMW43ZlE&usp=sharing A Russian speaker on the LENR Facebook page explains: “3 days cop 2.5 (in rigor evaluation) 3.3 (in not rigor evaluation). Actually he is not talking about self sustained mode . . . he did strict evaluation because of reaction to critics.” UPDATE #1 (March 26, 2015): Thanks very much to artefact — here’s a video of today’s talk by Alexander Parkhomov. It’s all in Russian of course, but it should be not too difficult for non-Russian speakers to get at least an idea of what he found in his experiments by looking at the slides. The good news is, that it looks well documented and I am sure we’ll get the presentation published before too long.