UPDATE #1 (Mar 29, 2015)
Bob Greenyer just posted this link to the MFMP Facebook page where they provide a status update on two experiments in the pipeline: one by Alan Goldwater in California, and another by Ryan Hunt in Minnesota.
Here’s a picture of the ‘glowstick’ reactor that has been undergoing calibration testing in the Minnesota lab.
More pictures of the glowstick reactor can be found here.
Many people have been wondering when the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project might begin testing reactors in their attempt to replicate the reactions of Alexander Parkhomov.
Bob Greenyer gave some information about their plans in a comment here on E-Cat World earlier today:
Ryan Hunt is hoping to have time on Friday – this will first be with the mini-*GlowStick* we made for the pressure test and a furnace controller we bought off Ebay. I will send him Parkhomov Nickel which may arrive next week.
Dr. Brian Ahern received his TCs yesterday and is “ready to rumble” as he said. I am sending him a Parkhomov Ni today.
Alan Goldwater has got HugNetLab working yesterday in California and is preparing to do a pressure test using a few drops of water. He only has LiAlD4 so we are trying to get some LiAlH4 to him, I will be sending him a sample of Dr. Parkhomov’s powder tomorrow.
Bob Higgins successfully manage to silver solder his zero displacement volume pressure monitoring pipe to the reactor swage-lock cap today, which was a major hurdle overcome. I will send him some Parkhomov Ni.
So it looks like preparations are definitely underway for some interesting experimentation. There is a lot involved in preparing fore these kinds of tests, especially since so many of the needed components and ingredients are either not available off-the-shelf, or readily available locally. Thanks to Bob Greenyer for the update, and to the MFMP members who are working hard to get this all moving!