Thanks to Bob Greenyer for sharing this news:
The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has posted on its website and Facebook page about the results of the SEM/EDX analysis of Alexander Parkhomov’s nickel powder that had been sent to Ed Storms at Kiva Labs.
Bob Higgins is quoted:
“I have just received the SEM image and analysis from Ed Storms (Kiva Labs). Alexander’s Ni is a carbonyl Ni very similar to the Hunter AH50. Even though the bottle says 99.9% Ni, that may be a bulk analysis if it is even correct. Ed’s EDX analysis showed the surface to have 83% Ni, 5.2% O, and 6.5% C. The median particle sized looks to be about 8 microns diameter. This should alleviate concerns that Alexander’s Ni powder was somehow “special” because it was ordinary carbonyl Ni powder.”
If Alexander Parkhomov’s replication is valid, it should encouraging to other replicators that they don’t have to depend on a special type of powder only available in Russia in order to have success. Carbonyl nickel may not be the only source of nickel that will work in E-Cat type reactors, but it’s a common type of nickel powder and one that can be experimented with by most replicators.
Thanks to the MFMP for arranging this testing, and to Ed Storms for carrying it out — this is very useful information indeed.