The following post was submitted by Axil Axil
I read an interesting paper about particles that can explain a few things.
Matter and Light in Flatland
This model of particle structure was invented to explain why a particle can interfere with itself in a double slite experiment. The esteemed R, Feynman could not figure this one out. The photon or electron must be in two places at once, this means that the electron is also a electromagnetic wave.
As described in the reference, the electron and photon is a EMF wave that is bent around on itself in higher dimensions. This many dimensional EMF wave vibrates like a slinky (a vortex or toroid) where the front and end are taped together. The projection of the wave is reflected in our 4 dimensional world and that projection of a higher dimensional EMF structure could appear in two places at once. These two projections can interfere with each other.
This also explains why real particles must have a resonate energy level to be real. For the electron, that energy must be at least 512 KeV. In order for this slinky wave to form and connect properly from head to tail, it must be of a correct amplitude and frequency. If this wave is less energetic than the magic resonate value, the slinky wave tries to connect head to tail in a vortex, but the wave is not the proper size and shape to connect up. So the energy is fed back to where it came from and the condensation of the particle is retried over again in an endless cycle.
These failed attempt to produce a real particles are where virtual particles come from. Only resonate energy levels make real particles that will produce a properly formed EMF wave that will spin properly in a vortex for a long time. This is why the lifetime of a virtual particle is so short, because the EMF wave cannot connect head to tail in a vortex. The vortex tries to form cut it cannot like up head to tail and the nascent wave falls apart.
Because of the uncertainty principle, the vacuum produces flashes of energy at a average rate but some flashes are weak and some are strong. The weak flashes generate virtual particles that are short lived but the strong flashes produce particle that become real because they are energetic enough to connect head to tail in a vortex.
In LENR when heat is converted to magnetic EMF that pumps up the vacuum, the vacuum becomes increasingly energized, the average value of the energy content of the vacuum goes up, the maximum average energy level of the flashes increase, and the number of strong energy flashes increase. When the EMF is really strong, sometimes high energy real resonant particles like mesons can flash into existence.
It is these mesons that produce fusion in the volume energized by the application of added EMF energy.
When the added EMF energy is not so great, the quarks inside the proton change themselves and a proton becomes a neutron.
In the case where the EMF produced by a weak magnetic field is very small, the uncertainly principle can still get the strength of the EMF flash to a high enough level to produce a meson or a neutron from a proton but the rate of such real particle production is very small.
Axil Axil
An EMF model of particle creation (Axil Axil)
The following post was submitted by Axil Axil
I read an interesting paper about particles that can explain a few things.
Matter and Light in Flatland
This model of particle structure was invented to explain why a particle can interfere with itself in a double slite experiment. The esteemed R, Feynman could not figure this one out. The photon or electron must be in two places at once, this means that the electron is also a electromagnetic wave.
As described in the reference, the electron and photon is a EMF wave that is bent around on itself in higher dimensions. This many dimensional EMF wave vibrates like a slinky (a vortex or toroid) where the front and end are taped together. The projection of the wave is reflected in our 4 dimensional world and that projection of a higher dimensional EMF structure could appear in two places at once. These two projections can interfere with each other.
This also explains why real particles must have a resonate energy level to be real. For the electron, that energy must be at least 512 KeV. In order for this slinky wave to form and connect properly from head to tail, it must be of a correct amplitude and frequency. If this wave is less energetic than the magic resonate value, the slinky wave tries to connect head to tail in a vortex, but the wave is not the proper size and shape to connect up. So the energy is fed back to where it came from and the condensation of the particle is retried over again in an endless cycle.
These failed attempt to produce a real particles are where virtual particles come from. Only resonate energy levels make real particles that will produce a properly formed EMF wave that will spin properly in a vortex for a long time. This is why the lifetime of a virtual particle is so short, because the EMF wave cannot connect head to tail in a vortex. The vortex tries to form cut it cannot like up head to tail and the nascent wave falls apart.
Because of the uncertainty principle, the vacuum produces flashes of energy at a average rate but some flashes are weak and some are strong. The weak flashes generate virtual particles that are short lived but the strong flashes produce particle that become real because they are energetic enough to connect head to tail in a vortex.
In LENR when heat is converted to magnetic EMF that pumps up the vacuum, the vacuum becomes increasingly energized, the average value of the energy content of the vacuum goes up, the maximum average energy level of the flashes increase, and the number of strong energy flashes increase. When the EMF is really strong, sometimes high energy real resonant particles like mesons can flash into existence.
It is these mesons that produce fusion in the volume energized by the application of added EMF energy.
When the added EMF energy is not so great, the quarks inside the proton change themselves and a proton becomes a neutron.
In the case where the EMF produced by a weak magnetic field is very small, the uncertainly principle can still get the strength of the EMF flash to a high enough level to produce a meson or a neutron from a proton but the rate of such real particle production is very small.
Axil Axil