The following is a message from Dr. Vladimir Dubinko who made a presentation at the ICCF-19 conference in Padua titled “Quantum tunneling in breather nano-colliders” which presents a model which attempts to explain the apparent ubiquity of LENR in many systems. In his presentation he summarized:
“A new mechanism of LENR in solids is proposed, in which discrete breathers play the role of a catalyzer via time-periodic closing of adjacent H/D atoms required for the tunneling through the Coulomb barrier via formation of CCS”
Dear Colleagues,
Bellow are the links to my recent paper on breather-induced catalysis of nuclear reactions, which I presented at Padova and a couple of earlier papers that shows significance of discrete breathers in chemical catalysis as well.
Discrete Breathers: A New Mechanism of LENR Proposed (Vladimir Dubinko)
The following is a message from Dr. Vladimir Dubinko who made a presentation at the ICCF-19 conference in Padua titled “Quantum tunneling in breather nano-colliders” which presents a model which attempts to explain the apparent ubiquity of LENR in many systems. In his presentation he summarized:
“A new mechanism of LENR in solids is proposed, in which discrete breathers play the role of a catalyzer via time-periodic closing of adjacent H/D atoms required for the tunneling through the Coulomb barrier via formation of CCS”
Dear Colleagues,
Bellow are the links to my recent paper on breather-induced catalysis of nuclear reactions, which I presented at Padova and a couple of earlier papers that shows significance of discrete breathers in chemical catalysis as well.
Their energy is just 5-10 times higher than the mean energy of any atom, but it enters into the exponent – the most powerful mathematical function, and so the result of their action may be tens of orders of magnitude at the chemical scale, and hundreds (!) of orders of magnitude at the nuclear scale, where uncertainty principles come to play.
The non-linear community has been studying the mathematical properties of breathers for about 20 years, very similar to the LENR community. I believe that it’s high time to merge our efforts and to start a larger-scale search for discrete breathers in the world around us.
Welcome to the field and let’s keep in touch.
pdf copy of PhysRev paper is available here
This is a pdf of Dr. Dubinko’s presentation at the ICCF-19 conference.
Here is video of his presentation: