There’s an interesting response by Andrea Rossi on the Journal of Nuclear Physics in response to a comment by Hank Mills today.
Hank Mills makes the observation that no one in the open replication community is able to achieve the same kind of success as Alexander Parkhomov, and he thinks it is because no one is putting in enough time to work at getting the results, and there has been a wide variety of materials and setups used.
Andrea Rossi responded:
Andrea Rossi
May 21st, 2015 at 6:14 PM
Hank Mills:
Thank you for your insight, but I do not agree: I know some od the groups that are making replications are making a good job with strong engagement and I think soon successful experiments will be announced.
Warm Regards,
This reply makes me think that Rossi himself knows of replications that have been performed — probably ones that we have not heard about yet.
For quite a while now there have been rumors that the Lugano testing team have been doing their own replications, and that this is the reason they have not yet updated the report they published last October. Rossi’s statement makes me wonder whether he is aware of this team’s activity. If so, he may be hinting here that he expects a report from them to be published before too long, and that they have been successful in their work.
That’s some speculation on my part — there may be others that Rossi is referring to, since he mention multiple groups in his comment.