The following post was submitted by Hank Mills
Cold Fusion devices have long been known to be temperamental. If one variable is out of place, no excess heat may be produced. The unforgiving nature of LENR seemed to extend to the E-Cat, and recently replicators around the world have been trying – for the most part – building reactors according to fairly strict parameters based on the Lugano Report.
Now, however, Chinese test data from Songsheng Jiang seems to throw to the wind many preconceived notions of what is required to replicate the “Rossi Effect.”
Songsheng Jiang, a member of the Ni-H Research Group at the China Institute of Atomic Energy in Beijing, recently published a presentation entitled, “New result of anomalous heat production in hydrogen-loaded metals at high temperature.” In the report, he describes a test setup, reactor body, and fuel composition that strays considerably from what is considered to be optimum for the production of excess heat.
During the test that spanned several days, enormous bursts of excess heat were produced. Importantly, these bursts of heat were located specifically in the fueled innermost core of the reactor – away from the resistor. During other periods of the test, a constant temperature differential was produced in which the core maintained a much higher temperature than the area near the resistor. All evidence points to the excess heat being nuclear in origin.
The enormous amounts excess heat was produced in a system far different than many others that have been utilized by replicators. Here is a partial list of the differences.
Fuel – Instead of using carbonyl nickel (which Andrea Rossi seems to use according to Scanning Electron Microscope images provided in the Lugano Report) a non-carbonyl nickel powder was utilized. The exact type of nickel powder has not been disclosed. Additionally, the LiAlH4 (Lithium Aluminum Hydride) powder along with the nickel was not ball milled, ground with a mortar and pestle, or processed in anyway.
Supplemental Hydrogen – Throughout the test at different points, hydrogen gas was added via a tank. This increased the pressure inside the reactor. However, the excess heat continued to be produced both at positive and negative pressure.
Input – Instead of using AC current (dirty chopped up alternating current with high frequency harmonics are said to be potentially optimal) DC current was used.
Reactor Structure – Instead of using an alumina reactor tube, he designed a setup which was a little more like a Russian nesting doll. The inner most reactor was composed of a rectangular nickel box that contained the fuel. This box was inserted into a cylindrical reactor casing composed of stainless steel. Around the stainless steel, there was a ceramic tube. This is very different to the Lugano Report or Parkhomov’s replications.
These differences are very significant, and the fact that the setup produced obvious excess heat, despite all of these changes is astounding. One of the only parameters that stayed the same was the fact nickel powder and LiAlH4 were used. This makes me think that the Ni-LiAlH4 “Hot Cat” may be a much more forgiving and merciful technology than we previously imagined.
If successful replications can be made using a wider variety of materials, types of nickel powder, and power input, then we may see a diversity of replications coming in the future. Researchers will be able to use more of what they have on hand rather than having to order specialized parts. Alumina tubes, for an example, are not a requirement. A simple length of stainless steel pipe may work. Or, if a replicator doesn’t have carbonyl nickel, any type of nickel with a small particle size may work.
Another issue of flexibility when it comes to the E-Cat is how a reactor can be turned on and off – allowed to cool all the way down to room temperature and be restarted. So far, only Andrea Rossi has been capable of doing this and producing the same level of excess heat.
One possible reason for this is that the re-crystallization and solidification of the melted or gaseous fuel could somehow harm the ability of the reactor to produce excess heat when turned back on. Andrea Rossi seems to have found a way to do this without any degradation of the fuel or a reduction in excess heat. Maybe there is some small amount of additive he is using or processing method that allows the reactor to be restarted. We really do not know the answer, but we may find it with additional testing.
Could there be something truly special and almost miraculous about the combination of nickel and lithium aluminum hydride? If extremely high levels of excess heat can be obtained in systems that are totally unoptimized, I can only begin to image what Andrea Rossi may be capable of. He has had years to perfect this recipe – figuring out what factors enhance the effect and which ones do not – and his results could very well be mind boggling. If nothing else, this tells me that the Ni-LiAlH4 replication arena is wide open. Hopefully, more and more tests will take place in the days, weeks, and months to come.
Hank Mills