Andrea Rossi has commented about how he has achieved synergy between multiple reactors within his 1 MW plant, and that is what has allowed for the high periods of self-sustain mode. Once he talked about having a ‘cluster’ of reactors, but yesterday said that word was vague and used wrongly.
A reader suggested that it might be better to talk of “many reactors in concert.” This seemed to please Andrea Rossi who replied:
Andrea Rossi
June 5th, 2015 at 9:20 PM
Dan C.:
The concert model is proper: wherein many instruments can make a harmony that is not just the sum of single sounds: resonances can generate virtual entities whose energy is higher than the sum of the energy of the singles.
The Mouse has a driving license, of course!
Next time you bake a cake I send him to make the pick up.
Speaking seriously: thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards
I find it interesting to see the analogy between E-Cats and musical instruments here — since it seems that in both cases things like harmonics, waveform, frequency, apply — and when you you combine them you can get resonances between them.
The phrase “resonances can generate virtual entities whose energy is higher than the sum of the energy of the singles”, could be describing an important element in getting the high periods of self-sustain mode.