Thanks to Stephen Taylor for this suggestion:
@admin Frank, do you think it would be a good idea to start a GS3 summary thread? I am a little confused about what was learned and even uncertain what was observed. There were some measurement problems because of the coil bind or something and I’m not sure how to interpret the data at this point. Not sure where the discussion is happening. Any guidance will be appreciated.
I think Stephen’s idea is good — we’ve had lots of discussion, but now all the testing has finished I’m wondering if we are in a position to come to any firm conclusions. I have to confess that I am not sure what to think regarding the testing. There did seem to be some data that indicated that excess heat was measured in the test — but there has also been statements from members of the MFMP that cast doubt on that.
I don’t feel qualified to make an kind of firm evaluation on this test, so this thread is for you to put forward your best thinking on the topic. Thanks in advance!
UPDATE (June 13, 2015)
The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project have posted the following analysis of their recent Glowstick 3 test on their Facebook page.
Did the *GlowStick* GS3 see excess heat?
[]=Project Dog Bone=[]
Alan has been analysing the data from the calibration, active and subsequent re-heat runs and whilst it appears at that some of the observed departure from calibration can be explained by wire binding and movement – not all can be.
See the attached adjusted graph published for discussion (GS3 Active Run 27 May 2015 – with correction for heater coil misalignment).
For all the data and Notes, block diagram, schematics, bill of materials for the experiment go here
Jack Cole commented on the experiment also:
“The declining and increasing power above the Parkhomov zone make it less likely that moved or constricted coils are the explanation. The coil would have to be shifting about to create an effect like that.”
Then he compares the recent family of GS3 charts produced by followers Sanjeev, Ged and Ecco (see graph with blue arrows) that have a similar behaviour to one of his own experiments he suspected of producing excess heat (see attached graph)
“Here is a chart from an experiment I did that showed apparent excess heat.”
Notice the similarities…
It is too premature to call anything, a post tear-down calibration may help, the real clincher would be evidence of elemental or isotopic ratio changes in the ash. Here is what the plan is in that direction in Alan’s own words:
“I’ll be opening the GS3 reactor on Monday after checking the residual pressure. Then I’ll pump it down to vacuum and leave it for a while to de-load the hydrogen. After reinstalling the core thermocouple I’ll do a final calibration run. These steps will be done with the reactor in place on the test stand, without disturbing the thermocouples or heater coil.
As a final step I’ll remove the fuel and divide it into samples for isotopic analysis.”
Whatever the outcome, we have to thank Alan and Skip for a job well done.
As ever, to discuss this more fully, head over to our main site here