Parkhomov-style LENR Test by Me356 — Update#6: New Live Test, Sunday June 14

Thanks to Pelgrim for finding this live experiment of a Parkhomov-like reactor taking place today (Saturday May 9th) being run by ‘Me356’ — not sure where this is taking place.

At this link: you can see live streaming data, along with photos that are taken every minute. There’s a live chat session taking place here. Me356 has provided background information about his reactor design on this thread on the LENR-Forum.

The experiment started at 11:00 a.m. UTC and I suppose could go on all day, or longer.

Here’s a photo of the setup:


UPDATE: Me356 has stopped the test saying he needed to check on some software, and will restart the test in a few days.

UPDATE #2Me356 has posted some conclusions about the test on this thread on the LENR-Forum.

In one comment he states:

For me and others it seemed like the process was about to start many times. But PID controller always gradually halted the power (to maintain setpoint) so this process stopped always suddenly too.
This findings leads me to the sotware improvement.
For next test I have implemented manual power control so the PID will not halt possible process. This could be very important to maintain excess heat.

UPDATE #3 (May 12, 2015)

The experiment has been restarted today.

UPDATE #4 (May 23, 2015)

Thanks to Mats002 for the notice that Me356 has started a new fueled test today. Below is the data feed. The orange trace it current, the green trace is the set point, and the blue line is the reactor temperature.

Reactor Live Data

Photos are taken every 1 minute and you can see them here: I notice in the photo that there seems to be a pressure gauge, but I don’t see pressure reflected in the live chart.

There is a chat session taking place at the LENR-Forum here:

UPDATE #5 (May 23, 2015)

Me356 has posted on the LENR-Forum:

“Experiment ended with 1200°C and probably no excess heat.

Heater failed.
Moreover it seems there was a leak”.

Another update from Me356:

OK, reactor is in bad condition now.

It seems that it produced extremely high temperature. Maybe due to local overheating?
But maybe there was excess heat. I suspect that this temperature was far beyond 1400°C, thus heater failure must happen.

For me it seems that the fuel container or nickel was so hot that it
melted ceramic tube from inside and then damaged whole reactor.

So this “bubble” on the bottom may be Nickel or melted kanthal or alumina sealing.
It was so hot that even stainless steel cover was partially melted.

A photo of the failed reactor via the MFMP Facebook page:


UPDATE #6 M(Jun 14, 2015) me356 has started a new live fueled test today:

Chat is available at LENR Forum here.

Here’s a plotly data feed:

Reactor Live Data

Good luck to Me356 — and thanks for sharing your experiment!

Here’s a video feed from the MFMP with composite data and comments: