In January 2014 when Industrial Heat announced it had bought the rights to Andrea Rossi’s technology, it seemed that the days of Leonardo Corporation as the drivers of development and commercialization were over. But recently Andrea Rossi has made statements which show that Leonardo Corporation, where he is CEO, is actually in control of the E-Cat’s intellectual property and commercial strategy. I’m not sure what, if anything, has changed lately, but Rossi’s tone in comments on the JONP is certainly emphasizing the role of Leonardo much more these days.
For example, yesterday there were some direct questions about regarding the topic from Daniel G. Zavlea. Below are the questions and Rossi’s responses.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
To avoid confusion:1- who is the owner of the Intellectual Property related to the E-Cat and the so called Rossi Effect?
AR: Leonardo Corporation
2- who will decide the global industrial and commercial strategy for the E-Cats?
AR: the Board of Directors of Leonardo Corporation, in collaboration with the Licensees on the base of their specific agreements and Territories
3- who will manufacture the E-Cats?
AR:Leonardo Corporation and the Licensees that have also the manufacturing license
4- who will sell the E-Cats?
AR: Leonardo Corporation and the commercial Licensees in their Territories
So it seems that in this multi-layered organization that Leonardo Corporation is going to be involved at every level. It would seem from these responses that Industrial Heat is one of a number of licensees, and perhaps they hold a manufacturing license as well as commercial license for certain territories.
When Tom Darden of Industrial Heat spoke at ICCF19, and gave the interview with Infinite Energy magazine, he came across more of an investor in LENR researchers, and a promoter of the technology, and emphasized that he was quite hands-off when it came to the R&D work of the scientists he was investing in. It seems that Rossi is maintaining quite a lot of independence from Industrial Heat, even though they may be sponsoring his current work.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions, such as who is on the board of Leonardo Corporation, who all the remaining licensees are, and who has manufacturing licenses. Maybe this will become clearer when the commercialization process begins, and that seems to depend on the testing currently underway in the undisclosed location where Rossi is currently working. It does seem, though, that Andrea Rossi is still very much in control of his invention.