Using Lithium Salt as Lithium Source in LENR (Jeff)

The following post was submitted by Jeff

See H. Ikegami’s paper “Nature of Chemonuclear Fusion”

He states that chemonuclear fusion can occur in fused salts as well as a gaseous environment. If true, it opens the possibility of substituting a low MP Li salt as a Li source.

H2 would still need to supplied, probably as a gas but would avoid the risks of LiAlH4. An interesting first experiment might be to mix a Li salt with Ni/Fe particles and pressurize with H2. This could be done using a concentric heater/alumina configuration of the E-cat, but with an external H2 feed.

Another advantage of using a liquid medium is the improved thermal conductivity to the alumina envelope and less of a chance of hot spots. If such an approach proves viable one could imagine building a pilot project consisting of a flow-based E-cat where the hot Ni/Li salt liquid is cycled between a heater and heat exchanger to generate steam.
