The following post was submitted by Jeff
See H. Ikegami’s paper “Nature of Chemonuclear Fusion”
He states that chemonuclear fusion can occur in fused salts as well as a gaseous environment. If true, it opens the possibility of substituting a low MP Li salt as a Li source.
H2 would still need to supplied, probably as a gas but would avoid the risks of LiAlH4. An interesting first experiment might be to mix a Li salt with Ni/Fe particles and pressurize with H2. This could be done using a concentric heater/alumina configuration of the E-cat, but with an external H2 feed.
Another advantage of using a liquid medium is the improved thermal conductivity to the alumina envelope and less of a chance of hot spots. If such an approach proves viable one could imagine building a pilot project consisting of a flow-based E-cat where the hot Ni/Li salt liquid is cycled between a heater and heat exchanger to generate steam.