Rossi: Relationship Between Leonardo Corp and Industrial Heat ‘as Perfect as Always’

Andrea Rossi has responded to a question on the Journal of Nuclear Physics which asked directly about the relationship between him and Industrial Heat. There has been some speculation recently that there might have been some change in the relationship, as Rossi has written numerous about Leonardo Corporation’s position as the owner of the E-Cat’s intellectual property.

The question was: “can you explain how is now your relationship with your American Licensee , to dissipate the rumors or give information about them?”

Andrea Rossi responded:

August 22nd, 2015 at 7:19 PM
Lakisha Madkin:
I am not a rumorist and I am spamming the B.S. I am receiving on the matter. The relationship between Industrial Heat and Leonardo Corporation is perfect as always and my work with my great Team grows up in harmony. I will spam all the next comments that will arrive on the matter, because there is no reason to talk about B.S.
Warm Regards,

Once again Rossi mentions Leonardo Corp — so it does not sound like he is simply an employee of Industrial Heat, as once was the impression. Industrial Heat seems to be a licensee, but an important one, as it appears that they have provided significant funding and personnel to help Rossi with product development and commercialization. We don’t know the details of the relationship, and probably never will. Rossi once mentioned signing a “mammoth contract” when he made the deal with IH — and he is careful not to reveal confidential details.

Rossi says that his plant and workshop are located on the premises of an IH customer, and that he has Industrial Heat employees as team members — and now he says things are perfect and harmonious, so it seems that things are on an even keel as far as Andrea Rossi and Industrial Heat are concerned.