Here’s a report that was brought to my attention titled “Energy Development From Elemental Transmutations In Biological Systems” and was written in May 1978 (long before Pons and Fleischmann) by Solomon Goldfein, a US military researcher with the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Command, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia.
The purpose of the study was to determine whether recent disclosures of elemental transmutations occurring in biological entities have revealed new possible sources of energy. The works of Kervran, Komaki, and others were surveyed; and it was concluded that, granted the existence of such transmutations (Na to Mg, K to Ca, and Mn to Fe), then a net surplus of energy was also produced. A proposed mechanism was described in which Mg-Adenosine Triphosphate (MgATP), located in the mitochondrion of the cell, played a double role as an energy producer. In addition to the widely accepted biochemical role of MgATP in which it produces energy as it disintegrated part by part, MgATP can also be considered to be a cyclotron on a molecular scale. The MgATP when placed in layers one atop the other has all the attributes of a cyclotron in accordance with the requirements set forth by E.O. Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron.
It was concluded that elemental transmutations were indeed occurring in life organisms and were probably accompanied by a net energy gain.
Transmutations and accompanying energy gain are the hallmarks of low energy nuclear reactions. If these reactions occur in nature at very low temperatures (“icy cold fusion” according to the friend who brought this to my attention), it adds a new and important dimension to LENR. The net energy gain that is so important in energy producing LENR devices (and hotly disputed by some who are skeptical of the whole field) might actually be happening all around us and within our own bodies.
If the mechanism by which this happens at very low temperatures in nature can be better understood, it could provide a whole new approach to developing new approaches in LENR technological development.
US Military Report on Biological Transmutation and Energy Gain from 1978
Here’s a report that was brought to my attention titled “Energy Development From Elemental Transmutations In Biological Systems” and was written in May 1978 (long before Pons and Fleischmann) by Solomon Goldfein, a US military researcher with the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Command, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia.
The full document can be read here:
Here’s the abstract:
Transmutations and accompanying energy gain are the hallmarks of low energy nuclear reactions. If these reactions occur in nature at very low temperatures (“icy cold fusion” according to the friend who brought this to my attention), it adds a new and important dimension to LENR. The net energy gain that is so important in energy producing LENR devices (and hotly disputed by some who are skeptical of the whole field) might actually be happening all around us and within our own bodies.
If the mechanism by which this happens at very low temperatures in nature can be better understood, it could provide a whole new approach to developing new approaches in LENR technological development.