‘Well-Known Companies’ Have Placed Orders for E-Cat Plants: Q&A With Andrea Rossi

I sent these questions to Andrea Rossi recently; his responses are in bold below.

1. Can you describe to us the working conditions inside the shipping container — for example the number of workers, the kinds of work people do, and the overall general atmosphere?

There are 10 persons authorized to attend that rotate in turns; we have engineers and blue collar workers; the atmosphere is of a harmonic team working for something whose importance we believe in.

2. Do you have much contact with the factory owner where you are working, and the workers there, and if so, what kinds of interactions do you have? How satisfied are they with the service you are providing so far?

We have not much interaction with the customer, since we just deliver heat at a rate that has been fixed by contract. Sometimes, when we have to suspend or decrease the amount of heat supplied for reparations, we obviously have to inform them as soon as we foresee or see the problem.

3. How will the results of the test in progress be published once the testing is over, and how will they be communicated?

The data related to the test are communicated to IH and Leonardo Corp. while the tests are in progress. They are confidential.

4. Will you publish your own report once the testing is over?

This will not depend only on me, because the publication will have to meet the agreement of all the parties involved.

5. Recently you mentioned that there have been over 170 breakages in the plant over the course of the current test. This seems like a lot. Can you explain some of the reasons behind these breakages, and are you surprised by the number of repairs you have had to make?

No, this is confidential.

6. Is the plant getting more reliable as time goes on, and you make repairs?


7. What are some of the most valuable lessons you have learned over the course of the testing so far?

This is confidential, so far.

8. Where and when would you expect to see the first E-Cat plants in action, if the current test turns out to be positive?

This one is already in action. The next plants will depend on the final results of the tests on course. I cannot make a scheduling until the final results (that could be either positive or negative) will be well known.

9. Are you still planning to sell heat from plants owned and operated by Leonardo, as well as selling plants? If so, do you expect these to be among the earliest working E-Cat plants?

Yes, and yes.

Is this because it will be easier for you to control the plants that produce the heat you sell? For security and maintenance?


Have you had orders for this service yet, since the advertisement by Hydro Fusion on Ecat.com?


10. What kinds of connections have you made with potential manufacturers, financiers and distributors as you plan for commercialization?

This is confidential, so far.

11. Do you have any well-known companies interested in becoming customers?


Have you had any orders so far from well-known companies?


12. How challenging do you think it will be to get safety certification for domestic E-Cats?

Very much.

What makes it such a big challenge?

The liabilities that the certifier has to take on his shoulders without a history of the product.