New NASA EMDrive Testing Finds ‘Anomalous Thrust Signals’

There’s been a new post by NASA engineer Paul March who has been continuing to do testing on a replication of the EMDrive, an invention of British engineer Roger Shawyer which is claimed to produce reactionless thrust — which is considered by conventional physics to be impossible since it would go against Newton’s Third Law which states that every action must have an equal and opposite reaction.

In a post on NASA’s spaceflight forum, March reports that his lastest round of testing has been on a second generation replication in which he has tried to reduce the signals from stray magnetic fields which could contaminate the testing results. He says that there are still some unwanted signals from thermal expansion.

He writes:

Not being satisfied with just this analytical impulsive vs thermal signal separation approach, we are now working on a new integrated test article subsystem mounting arrangement with a new phase-change thermal management subsystem that should mitigate this thermally induced TP cg baseline shift problem once and for-all.

And yet the anomalous thrust signals remain…

The full post can be read here:

So the mystery remains. Reactionless thrust, if verified, would be a revolutionary discovery which could affect all aspects of transportation, particularly in space, since it would allow for propulsion without the need for on-board rocket fuel.