Hexagonal Crystals and LENR (Axil Axil)

The following post was submitted by Axil Axil

I contend that the central cause of LENR is superconductive monopole magnetization.

What underpins the strong force (the color force) is monopole magnetism in a superconductive context. Certain hard to produce chemical base crystal arrangements can produce this superconductive monopole magnetism. This class of chemical compounds when formatted in a hexagonal nanoparticle size might disrupt the strong force and the various subatomic particles that depend on that strong force.

A concept that flow out of that assumption is how a monopole magnetic field can be produced by that hexagonal crystal structure. An analog of the hexagonal crystal structure is through the topology of the Rodin coil. This coil forces an electron current to follow is vortex based path that generates a monopole magnetic field.

This type coil gives insight that allows us to connect monopole magnetism with the concept of hexagonal based photon flow and a resultant magnetic toroid with produces a monopole beam when photons follow a vortex path.

The first insight into the hexagonal magic produced by some crystals that might support LENR was first revealed by the Water crystal produced in the extreme heat and pressure of the collapsing cavitation bubble. LeClair has done a great deal of detailed research into the nature and properties of this microcrystal. The next example is the graphite like crystal structure that the hydrogen atoms take on under extreme pressure and heat. But Leif Holmlid shows us that heat and pressure are not required to form graphite like hexagonal structures in chemical compounds. A template of potassium and/or lithium can aid in the formation of these LENR active shapes. Lithium for example can reduce the heat and pressure needed to form hydrogen in a hexagonal format by 400%.

The next revelation comes from the 12 square inch wafer that powers Rossi’s patented reactor. It is striking that Rossi uses mica as a separator between his centrally located heater and the fuel layers that are positioned on either side of the heater. Mica has a hexagonal crystal structure identical to graphite and is a strong dielectric.

The way that the phonon process works in this wafer is as follows: The high heat up to 1400C that he Rossi wafer heater layer produces generates Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP). The SPPs pass through the EMF transparent white hot steel cover of the heater layer and are reformatted by the regular crystal structure of the heat resistant mica to produce vortex motion of these heater generated infrared photons. These photons form a toroid based circulation pattern that correspond with the mica crystal patterns. This crystal filters the photons as they pass through the mica layer. Many photon based toroidal circulations can combine as toroid’s tend to do into a few larger photonic toroids.

Muscovite (also known as common mica,isinglass, or potash mica[4]) is a highly oxygenated phyllosilicate mineral of aluminum and potassium with formula KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2, or (KF)2(Al2O3)3(SiO2)6(H2O) might work in a similar way to Lief Holmlid’s iron oxide catalyst doped with potassium and graphite.


Surfaces held together by relatively weak bonds, such as those between repeated parallel layers of a crystal, will tend to break more easily than those held together by strong bonds. The tendency of a mineral to break along these flat parallel surfaces is known as cleavage. This can best be seen in the atomic model of the muscovite mica crystal below.

Crystal Structure of Muscovite
Notice the lack of bonds between the large yellow atoms (representing potassium) and the layers of highly bonded silica tetrahedra, aluminum, and hydroxide ions.

The number and strength of bonds between the silica, aluminum, and hydroxide ions make those layers much stronger. Therefore, muscovite mica is much more likely to break along the layers that only contain the weakly bonded potassium ions. This results in 1 excellent cleavage plane of mica. This cleavage is observed in the ability to peel sheets of mica.

The mica might convert hydrogen into the Rydberg matter form by using loosely bound potassium in the mica as a quantum mechanical template within the fuel layer of the wafer.

The advantage that mica has is that is has a regular hexagonal crystal structure that will produce many billions of plasmid Nano photonic structures that induce the creation of Rydberg hydrogen matter. It is possible to find a single monolithic square foot sheet of mica that is a pure and regular photonic filter that can cover the heater/fuel wafer interface.

In this other possible example as follows:

There are English subtitles.

1.5 COP noted at one point.

TiH2 used for hydrogen production. 2 to 2.5 COP noted later. They are not using powder, but attribute the excess heat to the nickel wire used.


One reason why the LENR reaction is active in this experiment is because quartz was used as the enclosure. Quartz is a hexagonal crystal. As noted above, this shape crystal is friendly to the LENR reaction.

Could the mica in the Rossi wafer be possibly replaced with quartz?

Axil Axil