I have been hoping that we could get an easy-to-digest summary of the information that has been revealed by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project of the last two days. I think it’s important to be able to communicate the findings of the MFMP to people who may not be as familiar with the world of LENR as many close followers are. Thankfully, Mats Lewan has done an excellent job of pulling all the information we have so far together on his An Impossible Invention blog in an article titled: “BREAKING: The E-Cat has been replicated—here’s the recipe!” here:
Here’s an excerpt:
The main evidence for the effect in MFMP’s experiment is a combination of ‘excess heat’—i.e. thermal energy released from the reaction, beyond the input energy—and x-ray radiation—i.e. the same kind of low energy radiation used in medical radiography. Important is that the x-ray emissions were observed only together with excess heat.
The character of the x-ray signal is, according to MFMP, the best way to detect that the replication is successful. The energy of the x-ray photons are between 0 and 300 keV (medical radiography typically uses x-rays between 5 and 150 keV), and there’s a brief but massive burst of x-rays when the reaction starts. This was observed also at the first semi-public demonstration of the E-Cat by Rossi in January 2011.
The heat from Rossi’s devices comes directly from the reaction and from the low energy x-rays which are thermalised—turned into harmless heat—by shielding materials such as lead.
Thanks to Mats for this very useful reference!