Thanks to AlainCo for uncovering an interesting piece of information on the Hydro Fusion website regarding Chinese investment in LENR/Industrial Heat. On the Hydro Fusion website in the Fourth Quarter Deveopments of 2015 ( page is found this statement:
New Investments
Tom Darden, CEO of Industrial Heat, signed a cooperation agreement with a newly created strategic financial center in Beijing. The “Technology Ministry of Science and Innovation Park” will participate in technology transfer with 20 companies from the U.S. This sparked rumors that the E-Cat technology recently patented in the U.S. would somehow become the sole property of the Chinese government. However, these ideas were assuaged, and China invested the equivalent of $121 million USD in LENR technology.
Alain asked Andrea Rossi if he knew about this on the Journal of Nuclear Physics today, and Rossi responded, “yes, I saw it, it has been reproduced from other publications”. Alain asked if AR was involved in this deal, and he responded, “no, it is an action IH made in his Territory, for which has been licensed from Leonardo Corporation”
It’s still a bit vague as to what exactly is being financed, but Industrial Heat does have an E-Cat license for China. Perhaps they are going to be manufacturing E-Cats in China in this Science and Innovation Park that has been established, or since IH is supporting other LENR groups, funds could be used for supporting non-E-Cat LENR technologies.
Still, it this number of accurate, it shows a significant commitment from the Chinese to support the development of LENR.