Yuri N. Bazhutov Plasma Electrolysis System (Video in Russian — Updated With Full English Translation)

A video has been posted of what appears to be an experiment of a LENR system of Russian researcher Yuri N. Bazhutov. The Google translated title of the video is “Cold nuclear transmutation – 3: 1 – YN Bazhutov – April 27, 2016 – Global Wave”

Thanks to a Russian-speaking reader Sancoder, here is an English translation of the video.

The translation of the video:

We’ve been doing research for 3 years to reproduce the results from the
experiment in Kurchatov institute.
In that experiment we were obesrving the output power 300-600% (even
700%). But after the short time of positive results we started to notice
results could not be reproduced anymore. So we started to look for a
reason for this.
The first thing we thought which may be the reason is the power supply.

This is our old power supply. You can see over there that one of the
coils of the transformer has burned (3:28).
Actually the coil hasn’t been burned completely. It was partially
So our first thought was to … (replace power supply?)

The big transformer, which is industrially made (not individually). It
costs 30,000 RUR (approx $1,000 in 2013) and it was big money for us as
we didn’t have an investor.
The previous transformer was not fully burned, but it couldn’t produce
supposed power.
We realized it after after a while when we discovered that the
insulation of the transformer was damaged (due to excessive usage?).
When we increased the power and made big impulses of current, the
insulation was sparked, and the discharge was not good enough. We
confirmed this version by using the new transformer.

The new power source is named VIP-2 (high voltage power supply, 2nd
What are the characteristics of power supply?
The old one – 700 volts, 2kW power (2 transformers each 1kW).
The idea was from Lyapin – to use transformers from microwave ovens,
which is 0.7kW each. 6 pieces assembled – means 4kW (2 times greater the
previous version), and the voltage was up to 2,000 volts. We got
voltage, but not power. So we couldn’t use this either.

Discussed with Laghin (chief energy engineer), and he told that
Bondarenko has such a transformer. The transformer is 750, even 800-900
volt maximum voltage, 4.5kW output power, up to 7.5kW in some modes.
We installed this transformer, and immediately obtained positive result.

This is a demo we wanted to make in Kurchatov institute. The thing is
that we got results when we worked in the place with negative pressure.
We use electrolyte – base (NaOH?), very saturated base, 10 molar. The
excessive energy (heat?) comes in the form of steam. The electrolyte
gets vaporized, well the water gets vaporized, the little concentration,
not 10-molar, but something-molar concentration … (don’t understand
what he means). We worked in masks. We had to make safe device. And we

There is an pump over there.

Two cells from which the steam comes.
In the first one we have plasma electolysis. In the second one there is
a regular boiler. Two cells are working with the same power. So it has
to be the same amount of steam coming from both cells as all the energy
come into vaporization.

some side talks.

There is water in cells. The base is not getting vaporized because the
enclosure will be dissolved in base as it is made from alluminum.

In the left cell there is base. In the right cell there is water.

This is the kind of vessels we used for the cells. Half a liter.

You can see the level of base in the cell.

Valera, why the boiler is touching the wall of the vessel? We had it
The vessel is gonna be overheated.
No, it’s not touching, it’s OK.
OK, it’s not touching, but it’s not symmetrical, it’s not in the center.

So why the name – Cold Fusion?
Because it’s not possible to have excess heat – 200-300%. But it’s
So where is energy come from?

The right name is Cold Transmutation of Nuclei.

The energy comes from the water. The defect of mass in nuclei reactions
is getting converted to heat in the water. Water gets vaporized from the
solution. Here is how we can see it. We will add liquid to both cells up
to the initial level when the water gets vaporized. It should be the
same amount of water vaporized. But as you will see it is different.

You can see a big vessel here and small vessel there. Here we have one
liter for approximately one hour. And here we will add 3 liters in one
hour. It means that the amount of vaporized water is 3 liters in left
cell and 1 liter in the right cell. So the experiment will hold for
about an hour.

Here is our local chief – Bazhutov Yuri Nikolayevich.

The lab of plasma is one story lower in this building. Chemical and
biochemical labs. So our job is to get good COP, but not to destroy the
other labs and prevent any possible health issues.

Others not coming. We’re going to turn it on.
Here is our team.
… Yuri Nikolayevich.
Gerasimiova Lvina Ivanovna.
Karetsky Valery Petrovich (18:10).
Lyapin Gennadiy Sergeevich (18:15).
We’re all associates of one new organization named Center of
Engineer-Physical Problems (R&D center).

As we’re starting the experiment we have prepared the board. We will use
the board to display the main parameters of our setup:
– initial power meter reading;
– final power meter reading;
– difference (delta E);
– amount of water added.

This information is for both cells – the plasma electrolysis cell and
the boiling cell.
We will see how much energy will be consumed and how much energy will be
produced, so eventually we will come to COP.

51.62 – is initial.

Can you elaborate on what you’re expecitng, which COP, is it 3? – Yes.

19:43 – 19:55
Here is the power meter. It is 2 mode meter, so the 52.50 is for another

Here is the second meter. It is on the boiler. It displays 1.6 kWh.

I will write down there the data how much we’re adding. In the end we
will get the total amount of water added.

Here are the thermocouples which shows temperatures from the vessel of
the cell (he means on the surface of the vessel?). The first and second
meter show temperatures from the top and the bottom of the vessel. The
third temperature is from above the vessel which shows the temperature
of the steam.

The same three temps for the other vessel. We don’t need third
temperature as it is regular steam, so we’re not turning third meter on.
The only readings are temperatures from the bottom and from the top. The
average from those two will tell us what is the temperature of the water
for both vessels: base solution and just water.

Here we have Geiger meter. It has teflon plate on the back. It works in
the mode of metering erzion(?) current.
The whole construction is made from acryllic plastic. And this is our
biological protection. It protects us by 1 million times from the
current of erzions which are being borned there (in the left vessel).
Is it harmful? – Yes, it can be lethal for a human. So we have such kind
of protection. But just in case we have Geiger counter. We used to have
two of them, but one of them was malfunctioning.

Here are two more meters. One is beta particle meter and the other is
neutron meter. Readings are being displayed here (22:42). The background
radiation is 3-5, even 1-5. Here is background radiation for neutron
meter – it is 0.
We turn it on, we do calibration, and we switch it to the most sensitive
We should have nothing here. When our meters were installed behind the
wall (inside the cell) meters showed hundreds…

– Do we have something right now inside?
– No, we don’t. But we have made such a device which we can put the
sensor inside. So we can do it.

– We don’t have robot arm to put sensor inside, and it is not safe to do
it by human. But we did measure inside and we obtained results
confirming the transmutation is ongoing.

some talks – just repetition from the upper explanation

In this vessel we have roughly 3 litres and 5 litres over there
(pointing to the other vessel). In that vessel the amount of water flow
will be greater. We compare the results in usual conditions and in
unusual conditions. In unusual conditions we have 3 times more water

Plasma electrolysis make 3 times more energy than regular boiler. 1kW in
boiler, 3kW in plasma electrolysis. The consumption is the same.

Today we’re not recording our meterings on the computer. But usually we
do record them. In the previous runs we recorded. For example,
experiment number 9, April 20, 2016, plasma electrolysis. The power
meter is Merkury. Anode is made from tungsten (Wolfram). The diameter is
1-5 mm. The length is 25mm. Dosimeter Sosna, thermocouples, and all
connected to temperature. At the bottom there is a temperature in the
beginning. And how it progresses over time. Here is the maximum
temperature. On the surface of the vessel it is temperature 92C. It’s
not plasma’s temperature, we don’t have such thermocouple, this is on
the vessel’s wall. And at the time we will be noticing very strong

– When it reaches 92 degrees?
– When it is tuned on. When we will add water for the plasma to be
stable we will notice temperature drop. From 92 to 80 degrees. But the
plasma is good so we will see the good steam. And in that run we added
this amount of water. It is dark colored when electrolysis goes on.
Accumulated it is 2650 ml of water added during that run.

Here is the previous run.

Left – boiler.
Right – plasma.
delta E is 0.57kWh
The amount of water added is 1900ml. And for the boiler vessel we added
only 550ml.
This was the same experiment as we’re going to do today. The detailed
log of all the data was not performed. But cumulative parameters are
enough to see the point.

(Nothing can be seen on the screen, makes no sense to translate)

We’re going to turn it on.
The process is sensitive to the distance between electode and the level
of electrolyte. So we regulate the level of electrolyte by adding the

Something’s wrong.
We have it successfully run 5 days in a row.

The level of water is over the range.

We have to extract the thing.

The electrode in this cell is too deep in the liquid. We will pull it a
little bit to be higher.

Here steam comes.

It keeps turning itself off because the breaker holds too much current
in short impulses.

The water gets vaporized very quickly and that’s why electrode is out of
the water.

The boiler starts to produce steam.

– How to understand when it’s time to add water?
– By the sound. After adding water the sounds are more frequent. Then it
comes slower. So it’s time to add water.

2:25pm – is the time when experiment started.

What is the solution?
10 molar solution of sodium hydroxide.

I’m gonna open happiness lab.
– ?

If this is success the consequences would be catastrophic. 70% of people
are connected to oil/gas industry, and they will be out of their jobs.
So at first someone should decide what those 70% of people will be
And now we researching new rechargeable batteries which can hold 1MW of
energy in 1 cubic decimeter (1 liter – by definition). So it can be a
briefcase which can be connected to a car (car is on), to a helicopter
(helicopter is on), to a house (wife is on). Laughing.

1dm3. 1MW. Is it theoretical?
– No. We are already in contract to make engines. 12kg (26 pounds), 100
kW. One liter per 100km. Organic engines.
We’re heading to small aviation. It’s hard to make a road properly in
our country. It’s easier to fly over there. One has to have a house by
the Russian river (some Siberian river), has this kind of rechargeable
battery; man goes fishing, woman cooking – this is happiness.

Apparently the water was flowing not to the vessel but to the outside.
– So reading were not right?
– The water was not coming to the boiler. The boiler was overheated. But
all the water was vaporized.

While you were talking about happiness, the experiment came to the end.
Here are the results.
We added 1.6 litres of water.
The difference is 0.34 kWh for plasma and 0.2 kWh for boiler.

(actually, there was a mistake in the beginning of the experiment, the
woman wrote down 51.52 while she had to write 51.62, so the result
should be 0.24kWh and not 0.34)

We will start over.

(they didn’t)

The other session.

We will measure the output power. Not in the way we did measure it
previously. Previously we measured all the details while we were
The main output of energy comes to vaporization so we measure the amount
of water vaporized in both cells. Then we look into how much energy was
consumed on the power meters. Every cell has its own power meters. And
the level of water (electrolyte solution) has to remain the same. So we
will keep it by adding water. How much water will be added means how
much gets vaporized. And we will write it down.

Here is the vessel of 2 litres. And there is 5 litres vessel because
there will be more water vaporized. We will demonstrate it.
Approximately it will be 3 times higher.

Here you can see initial readings from power meters. 51.86kWh, 1.8kWh.
5l, 2l.
We will turn it on. You can come see. We will observe the level of water
and add it as necessary.
The experiment will run for about an hour. And we will know all the data
(power, litres).
So if you have any questions – please do ask right now, no questions
after we turn it on.
– What is the base?
– NaOH (sodium hydroxide), the most cheapest, 10 molar concentration.
(talking about readings)
– Is there sharp tungsten electrode?
– Yes, 5mm diameter tungsten rode. Even if you make it sharp, it will
eventually come to a different form.

We will run two cells, one is boiler, one is plasma electrolysis.

You will notice steam outside the window.

We have a little accident last time. The water was coming not in the
right way.
So the result is COP = 3.
The boiler can work only when water is in the vessel. The boiler has
marks for the range of water required to run. Happily, we found that
mistake ealy on and didn’t burn the boiler.

The most simple usage is to warm houses.

The main advantage over Rossi’s experiment is that Rossi has expensive
setup, millions of euros. And we made it from our salaries and
retirement income.

A question.
– How can you explain excessive heat? What is the theory behind it?
– Let me explain this. Why do we need the plasma discharge. The OH ions
gets accelerated in this discharge, bumps onto tungsten. Tungsten is
because it is hard melting. There is over 1,000 degrees (celcius)
temperature in plasma. And on every 10^-12 oxygen O-16 there is enion
connected to it, sealed. Maybe it is relyct, maybe it came from space,
it doesn’t matter. Everywhere in the matter there are enions. We have to
release it. The binding energy is small, tens of electron-volts. And if
we release it, it flies away and it makes nuclear reactions to happen.
After some cylces it comes to C-12 and C-14. The same thing happens with
fluorine. What is the mechanism of nuclear catalysis. Erzions make
nucleon free from the nuclei or make it fuse into nuclei – either
neutron or proton. The viability is determined by the mass defect (if
energy can be released the reaction is viable). And so it goes for
oxygen and carbon. On the oxygen it is O-17, on the carbon it is C-13.
The result is that nuclei holds all the energy (C-12 and enion). The
mass of enion is 200GeV, and C-13 is 13GeV. The light nuclei takes all
the energy in kinetic form. And immediately the energy antennuates into
heat through the ionization. All energy comes into kinetic energy of
nuclei and therefore heat. The radiation we’re protecting from is E0
(enion). We need to protect ourselves.
The particles near the electrode have energies hundreds of keV.

F-19 + Enion -> F-20

– Have you tried to catch enion?
– No. We don’t have a mass spectrometer.
– Can you explain what reactions do you have? The same with Parkhomov or
– No. Parkhomov and Rossi have results on the different elements. Last
time I presented a report with the analysis of Rossi’s effect. I
encountered one thing from 20 years ago from the development stage of
erzion model. Saving the spin parity. As in beta decay, if the change is
going in the spin parity the result is that the reaction becomes
forbidden. A long time ago I made it, published it, and almost forgot
about it. And now, I made a report and Parkhomov reviewed it and he
asked me to explain how Ni-62 is the end of the reaction chain. So I
took the old report and encountered this thing and surprisingly it all
fit nicely. I was so excited.

(some unrelated talks skipped)

– The question regarding input power meter. You have so high impulsed
power. Maybe the meter doesn’t encounter all the energy due to the
energy being high pulses?
– There is very good work by Gudin(?). He connected his devices to the
power distribution device and he observed very big impulses of power and
current. Same thing Parkhomov did when we were working together in
Kurchatov Insitute. And he explained that what we have here is in line
with the work of power meter Merkury (the brand of power meter in use in
the experiment). He checked the work of the Merkury power meter. He got
readings from fast oscilloscope of both voltage and current. Then he
integrated the results. And he made a conclusion that the power meter
measures the power correctly.
He did his research almost independently. When we came here he connected
his devices here, got the histogram of voltage.
Every 10th voltage impulse comes to a discharge upto 20 amps. These
meters are good upto 60 amps. So we integrated the impulses we had, and
we concluded that the amps we’re reading here (1:19:40) is in line with
power meter readings.
– Can the power meter skip the impulses?
– The power meter displayed more. (some explanation I couldn’t
(he talks about pedestal – i think he means the form of the current
histogram with one spike in the middle and very low current in all other
parts of the histogram)
– So there is some average current?
– Very small current is present, tiny part of an amp.
– Every tenth of discharge.
– Yes. We wanted to make much more experiments… But Karabut has passed
away and we cannot…

OK, Let’s turn it on.
Thermostats are the same, one common pipe to release steam.

Let’s reset dozimeters (Geiger counters).

This is the only apparatus that can make excess heat. I had a talk with
Parkhomov yesterday. Rossi has advantage over us. But Rossi is not
scientist, so a little trust for him. He keeps most to himself.

April 27, 2016. 2:22 pm (MSD)

I’m turing on the plasma cell.

The steam is already coming.
The temperature of the steam is near 90 degrees.
In the boiler cell the water is only warming up.

(Some explanations about level of base solution – it was already covered

Here we added water to plasma cell. And we haven’t added water to boiler

Is it related to the saturation of the base?
Yes, but mostly it is related to the concentration of the sodium.

The wire connection was bad.

– So now the boiler is working and the plasma is not?
– No, we turned it off together with the plasma one.

– We got COP 6 in Kurchatov, but that place is not for public, we
couldn’t invite anyone there. So we moved here and we made this
apparatus for 3 years.
– 3 years for the apparatus?
– Yes. Different reactants, different saturations, all details were

– I published 10 papers about Erzions. I measured its mass 17 years ago.
But it’s not accepted by wide science world. And the only way to prove
the theory is to make such experiment which can be reproduced. So we
succeeded with this. And now it’s been reported that on the big adron
collider new elementary particle has been detected. It may be our

(some talks about the particle why it was named erzion)

– Let’s ask Anatoly Vasilyevitch Shestopalov to talk about Vachaev’s
– I asked Bazhutov about what is the theory behind it. There is other
explanation which doesn’t use of nuclei transmutation and erzion but
explains the effect by burning plasma.
(some explanation follows – didn’t translate)

Steam is going. We are finishing because exactly one hour has passed.

Plasma cell. Water consumed 3,250ml. Power meter reading 52.90kWh. Water
consumed corrected to 3,300ml.
Boiler cell. Power meter reading 2.5kWh. Delta E = 0.7kWh.

Plasma cell. Delta E = 1.04kWh.
Boiler cell. Water consumed 0.8l (800 ml)

COP = delta V plasma divided by delta V boiler multiplied by the
opposite – delta E boiler divided by delta E plasma.
COP = 2.78

(Followed discussion about possible corrections, mostly regarding the
upside potential of the COP result)

– Were there any neutrons?
– No neutrons have been observed. We measured it by different ways using
different kind of detectors. The most precise way to measure neutrons is
neutron-activation (?) analysis. We activate indi (?) plate, it is being
placed in the same water. Then transmutaion happening. Then we look the
results of the transmutation. And with a half time of 5 minutes, we
observe it and no neutrons have been observed (he means for the 5
minutes there were no neutrons; half life of neutron is 5 minutes /it is
9 actually/).

Here is a boiler cell. One vessel in the another vessel. The bigger one
is for condensation.
And now we will show you the plasma cell.
Back to the boiler cell. You can see that water level remains as it was
before. There is a white mark on the inner vessel and all the water we
added was all vaporized.

And here is the plasma cell. The outer vessel is almost full with

– Can you show the electrode?
– Yes, we will measure it right now.

The electrode is shown.

2.4 (cm?). And it was 2.5. 1mm is gone by length.
– How about diameter?

Cathode is tungsten. Anode is nickel. (??? that woman told the other day
that cathode is tungsten).

(some talks about plasmoid skipped)


The video is in Russian, which makes it mostly impossible for me to make sense of what is going on, unfortunately. Last year, Bazhutov made a slide show which he presented at the People’s Friendship University in Moscow.

Apparently is doing “plasma electrolysis” with ordinary water and has excess heat of 3 x , in some cases- 6x. He claims that excess heat is from nuclear transmutations. He has theoretical model based on new elementary particle erzion.

In September Bazhutov and others (including Alexander Parkhomov) filed a patent application for a “Method and Device for Producing Thermal Energy by Plasma Electrolysis”. Here is the abstract:

When applying a voltage of over 300 volts and current greater than 1.0 amperes to an anode, a plasma discharge is produced, allowing for low-temperature cold nuclear transmutation nuclear reactions in a near-anode area of the electrolyte, leading to intensive energy release and to the evaporation of electrolyte water, wherein an electrolyte pillar is maintained at a constant level and the function of a cathode is carried out by the inner portion of the electrolytic cell.


The video is here:

Any help from Russian speakers would be greatly appreciated.