The following post has been submitted by Michel Vandenberghe, CEO of LENR Cities (a few minor grammatical changes have been made)
One thinks about LENR and energy but forgets, or underestimates the most important with LENR: Decentralization.
Back to the basics: Innovation is a social process which means actors in a position to reshape the economy/society must find mutual self-interest to change their own positions; that is to say each of them getting more value at the end, and each of them with compelling reasons to act. Invention is the catalyst or materialization of the corresponding forces.
A zero sum game works when losers can find an alternative. When an invention has a pervasive impact, any non-global approach, not aligned with this process generates forces to inhibit unbalanced self-interests and wev need more time to find some equilibrium. There’s no alternative for the losers and anything can happen.
So it might be 10 years or quicker with a huge destruction of value where results are as unpredictable as the process of Innovation is itself dynamic (like LENR).
There are one million of details but basically this is how it works…
Then, no way? One knows at least one solution. Implementing a global approach which looks like a domain of coherency in physics.
Let’s first consider what we know with the World Wide Web. How to use the core technology is simple and its intrinsic value is low, the technology is open but what makes the difference is its inherent attributes of adoption which create mutual self-interests (the network), compelling reason to act (the user) and easier integration. The value anyone can get by joining is higher than with any competitive strategy for all actors including leading corporations in Information technologies.
LENR technology has no such attributes: Just some: Compelling reason to act, decentralized. Simple, it should be and Intrinsic value is low, what has value is applications and it must be a commodity, a good candidate to be open.
How to add missing attributes and why? The reason is obvious. Implementing a global and fully shared adoption process means less risks, more “value density’, more investments so, less time to be mature and so on. If everything changes at the same time with dependent variables at each level, there are less changes but everything is different.
Then, How to add the missing attributes? The answer is well known. Finding the right business model and the generic pattern of this model is known: The platform model. The paradox is the following: One needs to develop the technology but not to sell the technology itself. The value proposal is to enable adopters to get value with it.
A simple example. Google has developed an impressive search engine technology and to find your prospective customers has a value.
LENR must not be considered as a standalone topic. There are obvious interdependencies with many ongoing innovation processes such as the electric car, green economy, nanoscience revolution and so on.
Another essential innovation is about decentralized autonomous/cooperative organizations. A new revolution is coming fast and financial actors are stakeholders of this innovation. It is just obvious that a decentralized source of energy will foster the development of a decentralized economy but also that a decentralized economy will foster the emergence of a decentralized source of energy…
A lot of players are moving is the right direction to address our global challenges but our chance to succeed globally are low without a catalyst.
To summarize: If adoption is feasible, all required resources will be available and yes, there are a million of details
Obviously, there’s the scientific challenge. LENR is transdisciplinary which means the innovation process also applies to the scientific challenge. I think you can guess what the LENRG team has been working on since 3 years in order to contribute to the global effort.
Michel Vandenberghe
Decentralization and LENR (Michel Vandenberghe)
The following post has been submitted by Michel Vandenberghe, CEO of LENR Cities (a few minor grammatical changes have been made)
One thinks about LENR and energy but forgets, or underestimates the most important with LENR: Decentralization.
Back to the basics: Innovation is a social process which means actors in a position to reshape the economy/society must find mutual self-interest to change their own positions; that is to say each of them getting more value at the end, and each of them with compelling reasons to act. Invention is the catalyst or materialization of the corresponding forces.
A zero sum game works when losers can find an alternative. When an invention has a pervasive impact, any non-global approach, not aligned with this process generates forces to inhibit unbalanced self-interests and wev need more time to find some equilibrium. There’s no alternative for the losers and anything can happen.
So it might be 10 years or quicker with a huge destruction of value where results are as unpredictable as the process of Innovation is itself dynamic (like LENR).
There are one million of details but basically this is how it works…
Then, no way? One knows at least one solution. Implementing a global approach which looks like a domain of coherency in physics.
Let’s first consider what we know with the World Wide Web. How to use the core technology is simple and its intrinsic value is low, the technology is open but what makes the difference is its inherent attributes of adoption which create mutual self-interests (the network), compelling reason to act (the user) and easier integration. The value anyone can get by joining is higher than with any competitive strategy for all actors including leading corporations in Information technologies.
LENR technology has no such attributes: Just some: Compelling reason to act, decentralized. Simple, it should be and Intrinsic value is low, what has value is applications and it must be a commodity, a good candidate to be open.
How to add missing attributes and why? The reason is obvious. Implementing a global and fully shared adoption process means less risks, more “value density’, more investments so, less time to be mature and so on. If everything changes at the same time with dependent variables at each level, there are less changes but everything is different.
Then, How to add the missing attributes? The answer is well known. Finding the right business model and the generic pattern of this model is known: The platform model. The paradox is the following: One needs to develop the technology but not to sell the technology itself. The value proposal is to enable adopters to get value with it.
A simple example. Google has developed an impressive search engine technology and to find your prospective customers has a value.
LENR must not be considered as a standalone topic. There are obvious interdependencies with many ongoing innovation processes such as the electric car, green economy, nanoscience revolution and so on.
Another essential innovation is about decentralized autonomous/cooperative organizations. A new revolution is coming fast and financial actors are stakeholders of this innovation. It is just obvious that a decentralized source of energy will foster the development of a decentralized economy but also that a decentralized economy will foster the emergence of a decentralized source of energy…
A lot of players are moving is the right direction to address our global challenges but our chance to succeed globally are low without a catalyst.
To summarize: If adoption is feasible, all required resources will be available and yes, there are a million of details
Obviously, there’s the scientific challenge. LENR is transdisciplinary which means the innovation process also applies to the scientific challenge. I think you can guess what the LENRG team has been working on since 3 years in order to contribute to the global effort.
Michel Vandenberghe