A Simple Theory of LENR (Axil Axil)

The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil

A Grand Unified Theory(GUT) is a model in particle physics in which at high energy, forces of the Standard Model which define the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, are merged into one single force. This unified interaction is characterized by one larger gauge symmetry and thus several force carriers, but one unified coupling constant. A common coupling constant means that each of these forces can affect the other. If Grand Unification is realized in nature, there is the possibility of a grand unification epoch in the early universe in which the fundamental forces are not yet distinct.

There might well exist processes in condensed matter that can amplify and concentrate EMF to a high enough level to achieve a unified force coupling constant. In such a high energy state, the electromagnetic force would affect both the weak and the strong force.

One of the predictions of the Grand Unified Theory is the decay of the proton and the neutron. Most Grand Unified Theories predict that free protons will decay. They also predict that neutrons will decay by essentially the same process,

To prove that the Grand Unified Theory was valid, a hunt for proton decay began in the 1980s. To complete and verified theory of the standard model of physics, much rests on the existence of proton decay, and yet to this very day, we’ve never seen a proton die. The reason may simply be that protons rarely decay, a hypothesis borne out by both experiment and theory. Experiments say the proton lifetime has to be greater than about 10^^34 years: That’s a 1 followed by 34 zeroes.

The key phrase in that last sentence is “on average.” Because of quantum physics, the time any given proton decays is random, so a tiny fraction will decay long before that 10^^34-year lifetime. So, what you need to do is to get a whole bunch of protons together. Increasing the number of protons increases the chance that one of them will decay while you’re watching.

The second essential step is to isolate the experiment from particles that could mimic proton decay, so any realistic proton decay experiment must be located deep underground to isolate it from random particle passers-by. That’s the strategy pursued by the currently operating Super-Kamiokande experiment in Japan, which consists of a huge tank with 50,000 tons of water in a mine. The upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, to be located in a former gold mine in South Dakota, will consist of 40,000 tons of liquid argon.

Because the two experiments are based on different types of atoms, they are sensitive to different ways protons might decay, which will reveal which GUT is correct … if any of the current models is right. Both Super-Kamiokande and DUNE are neutrino experiments first, but we’re just as interested in the proton decay possibilities of these experiments as in the neutrino aspects.

Proton Longevity Pushes New Bounds

One interesting paragraph in this article is revealing. “Other GUTs that incorporate supersymmetry (SUSY), a hypothetical model that assumes all particles have a partner with different spin, predict that the proton decays into a K meson and a neutrino with a lifetime of less than a few times 10^^34 years. The Super-Kamiokande collaboration has looked for signs of this decay in a 50,000-ton tank of water surrounded by detectors. If one of the many protons in the tank were to decay, the KK meson’s decay products (muons, ππ mesons) would be detectable.”

These particles are seen in Leif Holmlid’s experiments. Are proton and neutron decay occurring in vast numbers in Holmlid’s experiments? What could cause the decay rate of protons to hugely increase there?

It might be the unified coupling constant. As the power and focus of the EMF increases, the various individual force cooping constants converge to the unified value. Then the probability of proton decay goes up in proportion. One of the perplexing characteristics of the LENR reaction is its wide range of apparent power from extremely week to very strong. A varying strength of the EMF field would supply that character to the LENR reaction.

Another amplification seen in LENR is the speed at which nuclear decay happens. In a LENR reaction the decay rare can be so rapid that a radioactive isotope reaches stability almost instantaneously. In a weak LENR reaction, the isotope’s production of radiation is only affected slightly. This may be a result in the increase of the Weak Force cooping constant through EMF stimulation as it is amplified in varying amounts toward the Weak force unification value.

The next step in our explanation of LENR is to understand what processes in condensed matter produces powerful and focused EMF strong enough to unified the common force coupling constant.

After all, proton decay id a mainstay of the theories of how the universe works and follows from profound universally accepted concepts of how the cosmos fundamentally operates. If protons do decay, it’s so rare that human bodies would be unaffected, but not our understanding. The impact of that knowledge would be immense, and worth a tiny bit of instability. But that instability opens up access to the limitless power stored inside the atom through the recovery of the LENR reaction.

Axil Axil