Brilliant Light Power continues to promote its technology, and has recently announced that it will hold a Fall Industry Day on October 26th at its facility in Cranbury, New Jersey where, according to the announcement, there will be “Invitational Public Presentation by Noted Speakers from Telecomm, Climate Change, Academic, and Market Strategy Fields with SunCell® Demonstration”
In connection with this, the Next Big Future website has published an interview with BLP’s CEO Randell Mills (
In this interview, Randell Mills is bold enough to claim that BLP will ‘disrupt the entire power industry in 2017’ with the introduction of the SunCell. Mills said an off-grid system could be created by combining a SunCell, which creates light, with a PV (photovoltaic) converter to produce electricity. Mills says that the setup requires a ‘small parasitic load’.
The big question that many people are asking is what the COP (ratio of energy in to energy out) is. Here’s an excerpt from the Next Big Future interview:
NBF Question – I am interested to know what I would see in a live demonstration that would prove that 65-150 times input power for the output power is being produced.
Randall Mills Answer – We shown these types of power gains as part of series of demonstrations on June 28th. The video is publicly available:, we have five validation reports of power gain results of this magnitude at a remarkable power level of about 1 MW in less than a liter volume. These reports could be made available to you with some agreement on usage and with our redaction of the identify of the trace oxide chemical used
If this all pans out as Mills predicts, this would indeed be a significant development for energy production. While BLP may not technically fall into the LENR category (Mills is emphatic that it is not), this is certainly something we’ll be keeping an eye on here at ECW.