Thanks to Francois Toussaint for providing a link to the following announcement posted on the Brilliant Light Power website today:
Here’s the text of the announcement:
Brilliant Light Power will be staging roadshow events on December 6th in Washington DC at the offices of Fried, Frank, Harris, Schriver & Jacobson LLC at 801 17th St NW, #600, Washington, DC, 20006 and London, England on December 15th. The company will present the SunCell® commercial prototype design, SunCell® commercialization timetable and Go-To-Market strategy to an audience of partners, customers and suppliers.
The way I read this, it doesn’t sound like there will be an actual demonstration of the SunCell in action, which would be hard to do in an office setting, but rather showing a prototype and discussing its design and BLP commercial plans. Still, it does seem to indicate more movement towards commercialization, and that they are reaching out to potential partners, investors and customers.
Wikipedia states that: “Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP is an international law firm with offices in New York City, Washington, DC, London, Paris, and Frankfurt. The firm was founded in New York City and currently employs 468 attorneys worldwide.”,_Frank,_Harris,_Shriver_%26_Jacobson