Progress Reports on Exothermic Reaction in NdFe Amorphous Structure Under Hydrogenation (Vladimir Dubinko)

Below are links to two papers written by Vladimir Dubinko of Karkhov, Ukraine. They are referred to as ‘progress reports’ parts I and II of the same study titled “Exothermic Reaction in NdFe Amorphous Structure Under Hydrogenation”

Some definitions that might be helpful: LAV=Localized Anharmonic Vibrations (see more here)

Here are some excerpts from the papers with links to the originals:

Part 1

The most remarkable result of the present study was the abnormal heat production
accompanying hydride formation in the NdFe_10 foils under combined action of heating and
impulse electric current. We call this heat abnormal, because the heat produced under normal
formation of metal hydrides is well known and does not exceed 75 kJ per mole of H2. Our tests
of NdFe foils in Differential Scanning Calorimeter, which measures precisely the amount of heat
produced under heating in the mixed flow of He, Ar and H (without electromagnetic driving)
have shown that hydride formation takes place at T>400 C, lasts more than ~200 s, and results in
production of 650 J per gram of the metal, which is in agreement with a general rule. It means
that in our case, 300 mg of NdFe could produce ~200 Joules of heat in 200 s. One can hardly
expect that such a ‘soldering iron’ that is heated up with a power of ~1 W can melt the copper
foil in 3 min.

Thus, we may conclude that the observed melting was due to much more powerful
reaction such as LENR taking place at the initial stage of hydride formation, when 90% of
amorphous phase in the films produced LAVs under electromagnetic triggering.

Part 2

A fierce exothermic reaction was detected in NdFe films with sufficient degree of
amorphous phase, which resulted in the melting of the Cu foil, in which the films have been
wrapped, provided that the total mass of the films exceeded the critical value of ~ 1 gram. Bellow
the critical mass, the films absorbed hydrogen up to a similar loading ratio ~1.5÷1.6 per metal
atom without a significant rise of their temperature.

Quantitative analysis have shown that the amount of heat produced in NdFe samples with
supercritical mass cannot be explained by DSC data on the heat produced in subcritical NdFe

Based on the obtained results, we may presume that the observed abnormal heating was
due to much more powerful reaction such as LENR taking place at the initial stage of hydride
formation, when 80÷90% of amorphous phase in the films produced LAVs [1-7] that triggered